chapter 35

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"An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles from within? That's dead. Forever" Zemo said as the video was playing.

"I know that road" dad said and tears filled my eyes "What is this?" dad asked and I didn't know what to do.

"Stop. Stop. Stop the video, now!" I say but he doesn't listen.

I try to destroy the little screen but dad held me back. I looked forward and looked at the screen in anger. Not because of what happened, but because I have to watch this again. I looked at Bucky and he looked down. Then up again. I go to him and cry in his chest, not wanting to look at the screen. He puts an arm around me and leans his chin on my head as I silently cry, watching this scene play back in my head. I hear grandma call out for grandpa but he doesn't say anything. I dig my head deeper into his chest and I can feel dad looking at Bucky. She called again, but louder. I pull away and try to stop the video but dad held me back again. I try anything to stop the horrors that played in front of me and in my mind. When the video was over, dad tried to go for Bucky but I stood in front of him.

"No, Tony" Steve said as he held dad back.

"Did you know?" dad asked Steve, looking him square in the eyes.

"I didn't know it was him" Steve said.

"Don't bullshit me, Rogers. Did you know?" dad asked again.

"Yes" Steve answered, letting dad go.

After a moment, dad punched Steve in the face. Bucky put his gun up but dad shot it out of his hands. I pull dad away and he pushes me to the side.

"You knew, and you didn't tell me?" dad said, looking at me with so much anger.

"Dad, I'm sorry. I couldn't tell you, even though I wanted to. If I did we could lose" I say, looking at him.

"Lose what?" dad asked me but I shook my head "Lose what?! You always say this but never answer!"

"I can't tell you" I say and get up.

Dad turns around and Bucky tries to punch him but dad grabs his hand. He flies Bucky away and tries to blast him but Steve throws his shield at dad, making him miss. Steve attacks dad but dad hits back harder, making Steve fall to the ground. Dad shoots the thing at Steve and it locks his legs. Bucky punches dad in the face and I'm just standing around, I don't know what to do. I get the thing off of Steve's leg and an explosion happens. I hold up the metal building that is about to fall on me but it's lowering slowly. I still try to hold it up and I push it to the side.

"Get out of here!" Me and Steve say at the same time. I go with Bucky and try to protect him from dad. Dad tried to shoot him but grazes my arm. I yell in pain but keep moving. Bucky pushed a button and the lid started opening. Bucky is climbing up and I'm flying, but not properly cuz I'm busted and tired. Dad kicks Bucky and I grab him from behind. I get pushed into the wall and land on top of him. I quickly get up and get ready to take a hit when Steve comes in front of us and shields us. Dad takes the hit instead and flings back, then falls down. Steve helps us up and I'm flinching a bit at the pain.

"He's not gonna stop. Go" Steve told Bucky and he listened. I looked at Steve and he nodded his head.

I go up with Bucky and I fly to the top. He is climbing up the ladder and I'm helping him get up quickly when dad hits the lid and it closed. It hits me and I fall all the way to the bottom. I get up, groan and try my best to fly to the top. I land on a ledge and see dad and Bucky going down. I jump and hold on, Steve doing the same. Dad and Steve land below us and me and Bucky land on a ledge, me on top of him again.

"I'm so sorry" I say and move to the side, too hurt to get up.

"I wish we were somewhere else" Bucky says and smirks. I blush a little and try to get up. I still can't but I see Steve's shield. I help Bucky up and see dad and Steve fighting. Nothing new. Just as I was about to pick up Steve's shield, Bucky picks it up, kissed my cheek and jumps into dad, pushing the shield into his back, making him move to the side. I sit on the floor and get some water to heal myself. I keep looking between my wounds and the three fighting, making sure to be quick. I get up and go down, seeing a laser being shot to the ceiling. Bucky moves dad's hand and pushes him. He goes for the arc reactor but dad tries to stop him. He can't so he shoots a lazer out of the reactor and shoots off Bucky's metal arm.

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