chapter 12

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 I saw it coming but I was too slow to react. Bucky jumped down from the road bridge and went to check to see if I was okay. He glared at the men on the bridge and eyed the shooter. I was screaming in pain and Bucky felt horrible. I knew how he was feeling cuz I still wasn't wearing shoes. He ripped off a piece of his clothing and covered the wound with it, putting pressure on the wound. Through all of this, Sam was watching with so much confusion. Steve was still in the bus on the ground, only getting up as Bucky's men came down from the bridge, using grappling hooks.

Bucky let go and went somewhere. Since Nat isn't here I didn't know what he was doing. My attention was on saving Steve. Bucky's men were shooting the bus till I came forward and shielded Steve, the bullets stopping once again. I followed Steve through the bus till he got out. He grabbed his shield and shielded himself but when he saw what was happening, he didn't need it. He was awestruck.

"Steve, now's not the time" I say, looking back "I don't know how long I can hold this, this is the first time that this is happening!" I yell at Steve. There is a lot of noise so I yelled.

"Hold it till you get behind my shield!" Steve yelled back at me

"Okay, I'll try" I reply.

I get behind his shield and Sam knocks out a gunner near us. I nod at him and he gets the message. Me and Steve run to where a guy is shooting a gun ( A/N: I don't know what the gun is called) and we knock him out. I'm loosing a lot of blood and I don't know when I'm gonna pass out. Me and Steve get behind a car near Sam. Steve looks up but Sam says,

"Go! I got this!"

I run away from Steve and towards Bucky, silently, Steve not realising that I'm gone.

Ages ago, I put a recording of Steve talking on my phone just for this specific reason. I planted the phone behind a car and it will start talking when I tell Vanessa to start the recording (Vanessa is my version of Jarvis. Dad gave me Vanessa a while after I met him again. Her nickname is V. NOT Taehyung from BTS. A/N: Sorry, my sister gave me the idea to write this in my story). Bucky takes the bait and rolls a bomb under 2 cars to where my phone is. After the bomb explodes, I lunge at Bucky and he doesn't know it's me. I don't want to attack him so I try to knock him out. It doesn't work. He throws me really hard to the car across from us and suddenly regrets it.

"I'm so sorry, you can't hurt my friends. I can't lose my family again" I say while I get up, a tear rolling down my cheek "I don't want to hurt you but I will if I have to" more tears come flooding down and I lunge at Bucky again. He catches me and he sits on the floor, holding me in his arms. He pulls back and looks at my face, red of tears already "I can't let you take my family away from me. I've been alone my whole life, I don't want that feeling again, please Bucky, please. If you care at all for me please." I continue.

Steve comes forward and Bucky pushes me out of the way, knowing I would get hurt even more than I need to be. Bucky was gonna punch Steve but Steve put his shield up. I got up slowly, but as fast as I could to help... Someone. Bucky kicks Steve and he falls back, putting his shield in front as Bucky tries to shoot him with a gun. Steve hides behind a car and Bucky is shooting the car. Steve jumps forward and kicks the gun out of his hand. Bucky grabs another one and shoots at Steve, Steve dodges with his shield. He punches Bucky in the face and Bucky grabs his shield and twists it around so Steve twists with it. He somehow landed on his feet and Bucky is now using Steve's shield against him. They fight for a while till Bucky pushes Steve and Steve tumbles over. He ends up with his feet and his right hand on the ground.

Bucky gets in a fighting stance, the shield in his right hand. Steve gets up and runs to Bucky, as Bucky throws the shield at Steve. He misses. I try to dislodge Steve's shield but I'm too weak and my arm hurts really bad if I try. Steve is still running towards Bucky and Bucky grabs a knife from a pocket on his clothes. They are fighting for a while. Basically Steve is dodging all the attacks that Bucky throws at him and they get closer to me. Steve manages to get Bucky against a car and they are still fighting. Bucky strangles Steve and throws him behind the silver car. Bucky almost punches Steve in the face with his metal arm but Steve just misses. I get closer, trying to think of a way to help Steve. Bucky pushes him against a car and gets ANOTHER knife from a pocket and tries to hurt Steve. Bucky is about to knife Steve in the shoulder but I step in the way, causing me to scream and both of them to look at me. Bucky drops the knife and is horrified at what he just did. I'm crying my eyes out at this point and Steve is even more pissed than he was before.

"What did you do? What did you do?!" Steve yelled at Bucky and he looked like he was gonna murder him.

"You're gonna pay for that" Steve says before fighting Bucky again, this time having the upper hand with his shield

Steve grabs Bucky by the face and tosses Bucky in front of him, causing his muzzle to fall off. They stand there, Steve looking at his opponent as Bucky turns around and looks at Steve coldly, then looks at me, who was crying, with regret. He looks back at Steve and Steve is overwhelmed, to say the least.


"Who the hell is Bucky?"

That's all I hear till my hearing get blocked and my vision becomes blurry. I feel so weak. I use my feet to see and I see Nat shooting a gun at Bucky. I see HYDRA cars coming closer and people surrounding us. Steve gets on his knees before I am forced down by my hair, me screaming as this happens. Steve tries to help me but people are threatening to shoot him if he moves.

"Be careful, she got shot!"

"We don't give a damn" I hear this very muffled voice say at I get taken with Steve somewhere.

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