chapter 7

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We were getting in the elevator when Steve said,

"Operations control" The S.H.I.E.L.D computer said,


Before the door could shut, guess who waved their hand to stop the elevator, Rumlow. Yay. He had a whole S.T.R.I.K.E team with him.

"Keep all S.T.R.I.K.E personnel on sight" He said, while walking into the elevator.

"Understood. Yes sir" some S.T.R.I.K.E members said.

"Forensics" Rumlow said. I chuckled as quietly as possible. He didn't hear me but Steve did. He looked at me then he looked away.

"Confirmed" the computer said again.

"Cap, Y/N" Me and Steve turned around.

"Rumlow" Steve said.

I held Steve's arm to signal something was wrong. I look up at him and he understood. We do this when there's something about to happen. It's usually me who does this but Steve knows the gist of it.

"Evidence Response found some fibers on the roof they want us to see." Rumlow said, breaking the silence.

"You want me to get the tact team ready?" He continued.

"No, let's wait and see what it is first"

"Right." Rumlow says before turning away.

Me and Steve saw a man hold his gun and that gave it away even more.

The elevator opened on a different floor and more people came in.

When the door closed, Rumlow started to speak.

"I'm sorry about what happened with Fury. It's messed up, what happened to him."

"Thank you" Steve said, looking at Rumlow. Rumlow just nodded his head.

Me and Steve looked to our left and saw a guy praying? Well, he was sweating and his lips were moving. He didn't want to be here for what's about to happen. The door opened again, 3 more people coming in. When the door closed and the elevator was moving I asked,

"Before we get started, does anyone want to get out?" I asked. We looked around and then it started.

A guy had a frickin taser and tried to hit us, but we dodged. Many guys held us back against the wall and put a metal magnet on Steve's hand, but he resisted, kicking the same guy in the shin. He knocked a couple guys away, me doing the same and getting free from their grasp. But Steve got trapped with the magnet. Rumlow was left standing but other guys got up and tried to attack. Rumlow grabbed a taser and put it against Steve, making him grunt and groan in pain. I went to Rumlow and disarmed him but he grabbed another one that was close by and hit me in the face with it, making me bleed and groan aswell. I lunged forward and punched Rumlow's face, making his lip bleed. It felt good. I knocked out a few more guys and helped Steve get free. We then knock out everyone else. Rumlow got up once more and spoke.

"Whoa, big guy. I just want you to know, Cap, this isn't personal!"

Steve dodges his first few attacks but gets tasered. I'm about to punch him when he tased me in the chest. I stay up as long as I can, long enough for Steve to punch Rumlow's face. I grab Rumlow's back and throw him upwards, finally knocking him out.

"It kinda feels personal. Now I know why you didn't like Rumlow." Steve said as he got his shield back in his hands.

"I didn't not like him, I hated him." I say, panting and grunting. Now I know how Nat's enemies feel when she electrocutes them.

Steve opens the door and loads of agents with guns are in front of the door.

"Drop the shield and put your hands in the air!"

Steve quickly hits the side of the elevator, making it fall straight down. I cling on him and he holds me tight, making sure I'm okay. We got up and we tried to open the door but when we did more agents came running towards us. We quickly closed the door and Steve was planning on jumping. I heard an agent outside speaking.

Steve and me backed up. I held his hips and Steve grabbed onto my waist before jumping through the window. I dug my face into his chest while we were falling. We fell through another layer of glass before hitting the ground. We both groaned before getting up, me more than Steve as my back was against his shield. We got up slowly before running for our lives. We ran to the garage and hopped on Steve's bike, riding through the gate last minute. A quinjet flew ahead of us and the pilot started speaking.

"Stand down Captain and Y/N, stand down. I repeat, stand down."

It started shooting at us so I grabbed Steve's shield and thew it at the turbine engine. I then tapped his shoulder and jumped off the side and continued running, never looking back. Steve jumped on top of the quinjet to grab his shield. He almost fell but he dug his shield into the side of the quinjet and flipped so that he was on top of it. He threw his shield to damage it even more before getting it back and jumping off and landing on the ground next to me.

"Whoa, superhero landing. Just like the girl that Wade was fighting." I said.

"Who?" Steve questioned, panting.

"Never mind"

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