chapter 66

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Me and Bucky are at the meet and greet. I see Sebastian, Robert, Chris Evans and Tom Holland. They're just talking about the movie and Tom is trying not to spoil anything about the up coming movies and shows. It gets to the questions and I shoot my hand up as fast as I can. I obviously don't get picked first. What is this, some cartoon show? Anyway, it gets to us eventually and I stand up, Bucky staying in his seat.

"Um, my husband and I want to ask Sebastian Stan a question, if that's okay" I say, acting as if I'm really shy.

"Yeah, go ahead" he says and I feel like I'm talking to Bucky.

"Um, this question is very personal to us. If it's okay with you, I'd like to ask in private. It would mean so much to me and my husband" I say and make my eyes a little watery to really sell it.

"Yeah, of course. Come with me. Is it alright?" he asks the interviewer and they nod their head. Sebastian gestures for me to come and I hold Bucky's hand, pulling him with me, wiping away my 'tears'. He takes us backstage and I make sure no one is nearby.

"Okay, I know you will think I'm crazy but you know the MCU, where you play Bucky and Robert plays da- Tony and everyone has a made up superhero?" I say and he nods "That universe is real. And I'm now stuck in this one. I can prove it" I say and take off Bucky's cap, showing his face.

"You're that doppelganger from London" he says and I roll my eyes (A/N: I'm not from London originally).

"No, this is Bucky Barnes. We got married in the other universe" I say and show our rings.

"Okay, first off, you look exactly like my friend and second, this is all fun and games but this can't be Bucky. I'm Bucky, and he's not real" he says and I get tired of this. I put my hand on his forehead and show him the life I had in the MCU. I pull back and he stumbles a little.

"Could've just done that before, not gonna lie, doll" Bucky says and I sigh.

"What did you do? How did you do that?"

"I have magic. I know this sounds crazy, and I wouldn't believe me either, but if I'm stuck here, I can't get back to my universe. I can't get back to my family. Please, I need to talk to all the other MCU actors. Please" I beg and he nods his head.

"Fine. Stay here. I'll say I talked to you and something happened so you had to go home" Sebastian says.

"Thank you. Thank you so much" I say and hug him.

"It's okay, now stay here" he says and I hold Bucky's hand, nodding my head. He goes back to the stage and makes up some excuse for me and Bucky going home.


After the meet and greet, Sebastian comes back and tells us to follow him. We go with him and end up in his dressing room, all the other actors there as well.

"Guys, we need to help her. This is... What's your name?" Sebastian asks me. I'm about to answer but someone does it for me.

"Y/N" Robert says and I look up at him. The same thing that happened when I saw dad, Tony, for the first time, happened to me again. I got memories with Robert but it wasn't me. It was me but it wasn't me. I got memories of a different Y/N. I was so confused and overwhelmed. I looked at Robert and ran to him, hugging him tightly. He hugged me back and I was crying.

"You're my dad" I say and pull back.

"I thought Tony was your dad" Bucky said and everyone looked at him, me included.

"Bucky, Robert is Tony, dad. Chris is Steve. Sebastian is you. Tom is Peter" I say.

"Y/N" Tom says and runs to me. I remember him too. I look at everyone and all my memories of my life with them, all the actors, came back. Tom was 'my' boyfriend. He picked me up off the ground and kissed my cheek "I missed you so much. I love you" Tom said and I felt horrible.

"Tom. I'm not your Y/N. And me, the MCU Y/N is with Bucky. I married him" I say and Tom looks down.

"Do you at least remember me?" he says and I pull his head up, cupping his cheeks in my hands.

"Yes, I do. And I love you too, but I'm not your Y/N. I remember what happened to her, though. I have a vague memory" I say and look down.

"Y/N, what happened to Y/N?" he asked, waiting for an answer.

"Squidward" I say angrily, a tear dripping down my face.

"Squidward?" Ste- Chris asked.

"Ebony Maw. I remember going to an apartment. Looking around, feeling someone there. Someone comes in front of me and traps me with magic. It was Maw. But, I knew about the different universes. He... He..." my breathe hitches in my throat.

"He what?" Tom asked.

"He killed me. He replaced me with me. I am the MCU version. I have the Infinity Stones inside me. He must've made me think I was in this universe so he could use me. So Thanos could use me" I say and cry in Tom's chest "If I stay here any longer, this universe could collapse. I'm not meant to be here. The other Y/N is" I say, pulling back.

"So, we all have our doppelganger characters and you have one as well, who's name is Y/N" Sebastian says.

"Yeah" I say, wiping away my tears.

"Darling, we'll get you back" Tom says and I nod my head.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Sebastian says and I roll my eyes.

"I don't want to explain it a million times. I had to explain it to everyone literally a hundred times in the other universe. It's so annoying. I need to see every actor I list, okay. This is the most important mission you will ever have. You get to save the universe in real life" I say and they all nod, getting ready for this adventure.

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