chapter 1

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A/N: this is my first story so don't judge


I was on my phone, scrolling through Instagram. It was the dead of night and I couldn't sleep. I was all alone, as always, when I felt a presence near me. I looked on my right and saw the bathroom door open just enough to see a black figure of some sort. I couldn't tell what it was. I got up in a fighting stance, ready to attack whoever was there. I paused for a moment, too afraid to open the door but I did it anyway. I walked in and saw a black hole and the last thing I knew was that I was sucked into it and was re-living my memories.


Age 9

There were 4 guys surrounding me, pushing me, and shoving me around. Justin was the leader. (A/N: I have nothing against anyone named Justin, that was just the first name to come to my head)He hated me for no reason. I didn't do anything to him. I didn't even know him until he started bullying me.

"Haha! Look guys she can't even walk properly. No wonder your parents didn't want you. You're worthless and pathetic."

I sat there crying my eyes out. I got up and ran away, as fast as I could. I didn't care where I was going, I just wanted to be away from them. My bullies.

Age 14

I was finishing a project that I had spent hours on in the library when they came up to me.

"Oh, what's this"

A guy from the group snatched it from my hands.

"Hey! Give that back!"

"No, I won't. This will teach you not to mess with us."

"NO STOP!" but it was too late. They destroyed it before I could even get out of my seat.

"What is wrong with you! I spent hours on that, now I have to do it all again!"

"That's the point. Come on guys, let's go" Justin said as he and his friends walked off as if nothing had happened.

I was all alone, wishing I could tell someone about this but I couldn't, I had no parents, no friends, no family, and nobody liked me. Not even the teachers in the school. To them I was that annoying kid they couldn't shake off. I didn't trust anyone. Not anymore.

Age 16

I was at work and I was dealing with an entitled customer who just kept on pissing me off. I'm already into overtime, I haven't eaten anything all day and I didn't want to get home too late.

"Ma'am I already told you, we don't serve that here"

"Yes. You. Do. I was given it countless times and I don't want my angel waiting anymore for her food, she's sTaRvInG" the kid looked like she was having a blast on her tablet, not looking up once to see what was going on. I wish that was me, but at home, and the entitled lady wasn't my mum.

"Ma'am, please just go and speak to the manager then, I'm too tired to deal with this"

"I will." She stomps off, dragging her kid along with her. I just end my shift, go home and drop on my sofa, drifting off to sleep.

Age 20

I was in the public library, minding my own business when I felt myself fall to the ground and heard laughing.

"Just piss off! I didn't do anything to you! What is wrong with you all!"

I shouted at them. They were still laughing at me and joking around when I tripped one of them and punched his face. I had taken Kung Fu classes years ago, knowing I would need it to protect myself. No-one else was going to do it for me.

"What was that for!" The guy asked as he held his now bloody nose.

"That was for pissing me off. Do it again, you all get a black eye"

"Hey, dumb dumbs, leave the poor girl alone" I saw a man walking closer. He looked so recognizable.

They just walked away, leaving me with this familiar face. I thanked the guy and was gonna go home when he told me that I wasn't alone and that people care about me. I just nodded my head and went home, confused and slightly uncomfortable.

This year

It was my birthday. I am officially 25 years old. This birthday was definitely the worst. I went out shopping for myself and went to a coffee shop. Little did I know, my bullies were there too. I only noticed them when I felt iced tea spill down my back.

"What is seriously wrong with you guys! It's been 16 years! Grow up! You are so immature!"

"If we have to be immature to annoy you, then we're fine"

I was getting ready to fight them but someone (who looked like the sarcastic prince himself, Tony Stark) held me back and told me to leave it. I just left. I think he was the same guy from 5 years ago, probably not, my memory is gonna be foggy after 5 years.

I was brought back to reality when I landed somewhere in the streets. I was still in my pajamas, no shoes. I looked around in astonishment but my thoughts were cut short when I was flung backwards onto the ground, blood dripping from my nose.

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