chapter 15

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Bucky looks at me with happiness but he remembers his mission.

"Bucky, stop. This isn't you. I know you don't want this. No one does. You have to wake up, you have to remember. Not for me, for all of us" I say, trying to knock some sense into him.

He looks like he is going to try but the soldier stops him and he says,

"I can't be who you want me to be, but I can be with you. We can be together when all of this is over. I like you. A lot and I want to be with you. I want to be your boyfriend"

"Nothing would make me happier. I want to be your girlfriend. I like you too, but not here, not now. When this is over I'll see you and we can talk okay?"

"Okay, I'll be waiting"

He flashes me a smile before kissing me sweetly and he looks to the side and walks off, probably to hurt Sam or Steve.


I go to the Charlie carrier and I meet Steve there. We walk forward and we see Bucky. He looks cold and he looks like he's going to murder someone. I didn't know what to do. I can't fight the guy I just confessed my love to.

"People are gonna die, buck. I can't let that happen" there was a pause before he continued "Please don't make me do this"

Steve sighs before he throws his shield at Bucky. Bucky uses his metal arm to block the attack and Steve grabs his shield back and they start to fight. I started to fight too, helping Steve. I didn't want to do this.

"I'm sorry, Bucky. I'm so sorry" I say as I fight him.

Bucky was shooting a gun and got Steve. Steve winced before he pushed Bucky backwards, him landing in front of the server blade holder. Bucky got back up and took a knife out of his pocket. I sighed before continuing. Steve was trying to put the server blade in but was unsuccessful, Bucky always fighting him when he was about to. I went over to fight Bucky while Steve was gonna put the blade in the server blade holder. When Steve was about to, Bucky tossed me aside and ran to Steve, pushing him off the railing, the blade slipping out of his hand. It ending up behind Bucky. Great. I drop down and try to grab it but I slipped and almost fall off the side. I'm holding on the edge with one hand and I'm struggling. Bucky sees this and pushes Steve so he can help me. As he helps me, Steve goes to grab the blade. As soon as I'm up, Bucky runs to Steve and starts to fight him again. The blade is knocked on out of Steve's hands and falls off the ledge onto the glass floor of the helicarrier. Steve manages to kick Bucky off the side and he falls onto the glass as well.

Steve and me jump down and Steve runs to the blade. I say and guard him, hoping Bucky won't try to attack. Obviously he does. He throws the shield, so it curves, at Steve. I run to the side to grab it and when I do, I call Steve and throw it to him. He catches it and Bucky shoots a gun at Steve. Steve uses the shield to deflect the bullets. Steve throws his shield at Bucky but Bucky just uses his metal arm to push it up and out of the way. Bucky goes to Steve and shoves a knife in his arm. I run up and push Bucky out the way and remove the knife, throwing it away from all of us. Bucky goes and grabs the chip and I quickly put him in an arm lock.

"Drop it. Bucky, drop it, now" I say, not wanting to hurt him more "Please" I say and I pull a little harder making him grunt a bit but he doesn't let go.

Steve grabs Bucky off me and suffocates him on the ground. Bucky is strong but not for long because he passes out and lets go of the blade. I grab it and Steve lets go of Bucky. We make our way to the thing that holds all the other server blades. 

"1 minute" Maria tells us.

Bucky somehow gets up in like, 5 minutes and shot Steve's leg. He aims for Steve again but I move in the way, making the bullet drop to the floor. 

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