chapter 63

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A/N: I have never been to a wedding before so this might sound whack. This is your dress, btw ^.


-2 months later-

Today is the day. Today is the wedding. I'm so nervous. My bridesmaids are Nat and Wanda and Bucky's groomsman is obviously Steve. Right now, I'm standing outside the church, trying to calm down. Dad is with me and is trying to calm me down as well but it isn't working.

"Hey, look. Nothing will happen. Everything will be fine" dad reassures and I breathe out heavily.

"You're right. I can do this"

"That's it, honey. Breath" he says and I make my breathing normal "Are you ready?"

"No" I say "But I'm never gonna be so, I'm ready, I guess" I take another deep breath and link arms with dad.

"Relax" he says and I nod my head slightly.

We walk in and I see Bucky. He looks handsome, to say the least. I can't take my eyes off of him and it looks like he can't take his eyes off of me. 'Here comes the bride' starts playing and I make my way to the front. I get to the front and stand opposite Bucky.

"Doll, you look gorgeous" he says and I blush.

"You look handsome" I say and he bites his lip a little.

"You may say your vows" the officiant says and Bucky starts.

"Y/N, you are the love of my life, there's no question there. You are the last thing I think about before going to bed and the first when I wake up in the morning. You stood beside me, even after everything I did, you fought by my side even when you had to fight your own dad, you stopped me from doing things I would regret and you were there for me. Most of the time I think that I don't deserve you, and that might be true, but I still fight for you and your heart everyday. Words couldn't express how much I love, care and treasure you, and I will always be there for you, by your side everyday. I love you" he says and I feel tears coming.

"Bucky, you are the reason I get up and out of my bed every morning. You were my first kiss, my first boyfriend, my first everything and I couldn't have asked for more. You are my heart, you are my life and I'm glad I get to spend the rest of mine with you. You probably know me better than I know myself. When I first came here, I never dreamt that I would be standing right here, telling you how much you mean to me, but I guess dreams come true. You are my soulmate and no one could beat you to my heart. No one. You are more than enough for me and I feel blessed for every second I get to spend with you. I love you too. More than anything" I say and he holds my hands in his.

"Now, you must exchange rings" the officiant said. Bucky takes the wedding ring and puts it on my ring finger, right hand. I put his wedding ring on his ring finger, right hand "Now, do you, Y/N Stark, take James Buchanan Barnes as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part" the officiant asked.

"I do" I say, trying to stay calm.

"And, do you, James Buchanan Barnes, take Y/N Stark as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part"

"I do" Bucky said and smiled at me.

"If anyone wishes to object, speak now or forever hold your peace" the officiant said and someone stood.

"Uh, I object" dad said and I looked at him "You never asked for my blessings" dad said but got pulled back into his seat.

"In his defence, you hated him and you wouldn't have said yes" I say.

"Right. With the power invested in me, I now announce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride" The officiant said and Bucky pulled me forward into a kiss. I put a hand on his neck and a hand on his cheek as he put his hands on my waist. After a moment, we pulled away.

"I love you" I say and he smiles at me.

"I love you too" he says and I smile back. We kiss passionately one last time before looking at the crowd as they are cheering. I smile and wave at Morgan. She waves back. This is honestly the happiest day of my life.


We reach the Avengers facility and everyone is behind us. Bucky is carrying me bridal style up to our new shared room. I'm surprised dad even let us share a room after the wedding, or ever. Once we're inside, Bucky lightly kicks the door so it closes and locks the door, setting me on the bed.

"Where are we going for our honeymoon?" I ask, sitting up on the bed.

"You'll see. I think you're gonna love it. I got it all planned out" Bucky said and I smiled.

"If you think I'm gonna love it, then that's fine but where are we going?" I ask again, hoping for some answers.

"Doll, just wait. It's a surprise" he says and I look up at him. He sits on the bed and rests his forehead on mine.

"Today was amazing. I loved every part of it. I'm surprised it went so smoothly, except dad" I say.

"What do you mean?" Bucky asked.

"Um, we live in a universe where there is magic. Where I have magic and you have a metal arm. Anything could've gone wrong. We could've been attacked, or worse, I could've seen a prettier dress than this one, not that it's not pretty, it's beautiful" I say but Bucky just connects our lips as I snake my arms around his neck.

"Well, I'm glad it didn't. Today was the best day of my life" he says and kisses my cheek.

"I need to change my clothes, this is a little uncomfortable" I say and he nods his head, going into the bathroom.

I change into a F/C shirt and black trousers, tying my hair up in a messy bun. I knock on the bathroom door and he opens it.

"Hey, are you comfortable?" he asks and I nod my head, confused.

"Yeah, why?" I ask but he just lifts me up and drops me on the bed, joining me.

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