chapter 5

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When Sam was finished with his session, he came to us.

"Well, if it isn't the running duo" Sam joked, causing me to chuckle slightly.

"Caught the last few minutes. It's pretty intense" Steve said.

"Yeah brother, we all got the same problems. Guilt, Regret." Sam said coldly.

"You lose someone?" Steve asked.

"My wingman, Riley." He paused for a second.

"Flying a night mission. Standard PG rescue op. Nothing we hadn't done a 1000 times before. Until an RPG knocked Riley's dumb ass out of the sky. Nothing I could do. It's like I was up there just to watch"

"I'm so sorry. He sounded like a good man, fighting along side you." I say, trying to comfort him. After that, we were talking for a while.


Suddenly, I remembered what was going to happen to Nick. I didn't panic, I was more alarmed. I knew what no-one, except the readers, knew, that Nick would survive. I still went to where he was as fast as I could, telling Steve that I have an emergency and that I need to go. He said okay and let me go. I ran faster than I've ever ran before. I got to him when I saw Bucky in front of Nick's car. He shot a ring under the car, making it explode from beneath and hurdle towards him. Bucky stepped to the side and waited for the car to stop.

I ran to Bucky and started to fight, not knowing how I was going to make my escape after Nick had. I knew that I had to distract him long enough to let Nick escape, then I would too. I somehow got him on the ground. I don't even know what I was doing, instinct maybe, but I took off his muzzle and kissed him. I'm so stupid. What the hell was I doing?! Surprisingly it stopped him though. He just sank into the kiss even more. I could tell it was Bucky, not the soldier. My hands relaxed and Bucky moved his hands up to my face. He kissed me sweetly and I thought I was going to die. I can't believe this. I loved this and I think he did too. I brought my hand up to his face and that's when I saw his whole life story play in my head like a movie. I think the same thing happened to him but I showed him my life. It was a weird feeling. I reluctantly (very reluctantly) let go of the kiss and looked up to see that Nick was gone.

"We will see each other in the future" I say before I give him one last sweet kiss. I was about to get up to leave when he smiles and says,

"I'll be waiting for you Y/N" It wasn't cold like the soldier, it was sweet and gentle, like Bucky.

 I smile back and I quickly made my escape the same way and followed the tunnel. I was touching the walls of the tunnel and I could feel it again, the seismic sense. Maybe I have earth bending, or maybe I'm the avatar. That would be so cool.

I later texted Steve and asked him to meet up outside our apartment. Me and Steve had been living together since I didn't want to be alone and neither did he. He was relieved when he saw me and asked about the emergency. I just told him that Nick needed some help and that I was happy to help him. He sighed and we walked up to our apartment together. Outside our door, we were met by Kate, well Sharon, and she was talking on the phone to Peggy, I think. He tried to flirt with her and failed but succeeded at the same time. I just rolled my eyes at them.

"Oh, and I think you left your stereo on" That was the last thing she said before she left. Nick is okay I thought to myself, knowing he was in there.

Steve thanked her and went in through the window and I followed, playing along. He looked around the corner and saw Nick sitting there.

"I don't remember giving you a key" Steve said.

"Do you really think I'd need one." Nick grunted and sat up before speaking."My wife kicked me out."

"Didn't know you were married"

"A lot of things you don't know about me. And thank you Y/N, for your help."

"It's okay." I replied.

"I know Nick, that's the problem" Steve continued.

Steve turned on the lamp that was next to Nick but Nick just turned it off again. He wrote on his phone ears everywhere. 

"I'm sorry to have to do this, but I had no place else to crash."

He then wrote S.H.I.E.L.D compromised.

"Who else knows about your wife?" Steve asked.

Next he wrote us three.

"Just... my friends" He replied

"Is that what we are?" Steve asked, very tense.

"That's up to you"

Just then, three bullet holes were on the wall and Nick was shot, causing him to fall to the ground. Steve dragged him away from the wall and looked outside to see The Winter Soldier. Nick held out his hand and gave Steve a flash drive.

"Don't... trust... anyone..." That was his 'last words' as he looked at me and Steve. There was a loud banging noise on the door until someone opened it calling out Steve's and my name. It was Sharon. She had a gun and called Steve's name one more time before she said,

"I'm Agent 13 of S.H.I.E.L.D Special Service."


"Sharon, I thought you wouldn't show up"

"How do you know my name?"

"Right now that doesn't matter"

"Listen, I'm assigned to protect you"

"On whose orders?"

"His"she said coldly. She dropped her gun and checked his pulse."Foxtrot is down, he's unresponsive. I need EMT's"

The dispatcher asked,

"Do we have a 20 on the shooter"

"Tell him we're in pursuit" Steve said.

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