Chapter Fourteen

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Quinn has been in surgery since they took her away. It's been hours. Thats a good sign, right? That means she's still alive?

I don't know what to think anymore. I'm glad she's back. Her mom is sitting with Morgan, my mom, and I in the waiting room. Every time the door opens we all look up waiting for a doctor to come over to us.

I was picking at my nails when the head surgeon came out.

"She's alive. She crashed during surgery so we had to resuscitate her, but she's alive. Because of this, though, we couldn't complete the surgery."

"Well what are you going to do?" Amber asked

"When her stats are better, we will continue the surgery. She is still asleep from the anesthesia but you all can come see her if you'd like."

At those words I stood up ready to follow her to Quinn. She led us to one of the rooms and stopped us.

"She's going to look scary. There is a tube helping her breath until she wakes up and she has some IV's in her but she is ok."

I walked in and the doctor was right. There were wires all over the place and the beeping of the monitor rang through the room. I sat down beside her and stroked her hair.

Her mom sat on the other side of her and Morgan stood in the corner. Hours went by and Quinn still hadn't woken up. Every few minutes I would check the monitor to make sure she was ok. The doctor walked in with another person.

"Hello. My name is Dr. Menéndez. I am the orthopedic surgeon. Quinn has a few broken ribs which are pressing into her lungs causing her trouble to breath. During her surgery, I will line up the ribs so they can properly heal"

"Ok. Do I have to sign anything" Amber answered

"If you'll just come with me, there are a few forms you have to fill out."

Amber left the room so that left Morgan and I alone. My mom went home to take a shower and get me another pair of clothes.

"Owen" Morgan said looking at Quinn

She was slightly moving than started coughing. I stood up as she grabbed the tube in her mouth.

The doctor rushed in and took out the tube. I laughed as she stared at me.

"Hi Quinn" I said kissing her forehead

She grasped my hand and squeezed it lightly. I laughed while holding her hand with both of my hands and kissing it.

She tried to roll over but groaned in pain. Tears formed in her eyes as she coughed.

"That's from the broken ribs" Dr. Menéndez said while walking in. "You'll be in pain so don't try to move"

He did a quick examination and left.

"I missed you" Quinn said in a raspy voice

I smiled and said "I missed you more"

I stroked her hair and she smiled back at me. She's actually ok.

Enid walked in and Quinn's eyes widened.

"No. NO" she said starting to panic

Enid looked at Amber in confusion but Amber didn't understand either

"You're not real" she said trying to sit up "he killed you. He did. I saw"

She reached over the bedside table but stopped and coughed in pain.

"Get out. GET OUT! Please. You're not real. None of you are. He's in my head again" she cried

"Quinn he didn't hurt them. My sister is still alive. Your brother and Enid are alive. He didn't actually kill them. I promise" I said trying to calm her down

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