Chapter Twelve

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Weeks went by. The only thing to look at was the cement walls and the water droplets occasionally dripping from the pipes above me.

I only went upstairs to shower and use the bathroom but he was always outside the door. He only came down here to give me food.

I was scared for what he was going to do. He couldn't keep me down here forever can he?

It was getting really cold, especially at night. The only thing I had to keep warm was a small blanket he had given me.

Almost every night, I dreamed of seeing Owen. I missed his smile and when he would stroke my hair whenever I was sad.

I missed Amber, even her lecturing me to do my homework. I missed home and school and being able to walk somewhere that wasn't always closed in.

I missed touching the grass and going to the beach with my family every summer.

Tears ran down my face as I imagined life before Mathew. It was beautiful, but I took it for granted. No one ever thinks that something like this would happen to them.

It always only happens in books and movies. I was living a true horror movie. One that I couldn't escape. One that I had no reason or hope that I would make it out alive.

The basement door opens and out walks Mathew. He walks down the stairs, making sure to lock the door before walking over to me.

He sat across from me and just stared at me. Just looking at him made me want to throw up. The things that he did to me. The people that he hurt.

We both didn't say a word. I looked down at the concrete and he just sat staring at me.

"What should I do" he says

Is he talking to me?

"Let me go" I said answering him. If it was a movie, I would have laughed. I knew he wouldn't let me go. He was too far in.

He got up and left a little while later, leaving me to continue rotting in the basement.

All hope was lost. Him and I both knew that I wouldn't be able to escape. There was no point in trying.

The next morning, I heard his car roar to life and drove away. I looked around to see if there was anything I could use to pick the lock but there was nothing.

I heard the front door open but I never heard his car come back. He through the door, opened the basement door and walked down.

"Can I use the bathroom?" I asked him

He took my arm and led me up the stairs and to the bathroom. He stood outside the door while I quietly searched for something to pick the lock with.

"Hurry up" he said still standing outside the door

I flushed the toilet and washed my hands, then walked out. He grabbed my arm and we started walking towards the basement door when two cars pulled up to the house.

He grabbed me and sat us on the floor with his hand covering my mouth. The car doors opened and shut and we could here the mumbling of people talking outside.

"Is anyone home" I heard a woman say.

"I don't know" a man replied

"He said this was one of the houses" the woman said again

Mathew adjusted himself and I could feel his gun pointed to my back silently threatening me to be quiet.

"I did a perimeter check around it and there are no lights on" another person said. I knew that voice. It played in my head the whole time I was locked in the basement. It was Owens.

A tear formed and slowly fell down my cheek as I listened to Owens voice. He was looking for me.

"I don't think they're here" the woman said again.

"NO. She has to be here" yelled Owen frustratedly

I looked up at the kitchen window at Owen peering through it. He couldn't see us. I saw his brown hair and his beautiful face. A sight I thought I would never see again.

Mathew readjusted us to where we were beside the kitchen counter. I was looking for anyway to get their attention. If I moved or made any noise at all, he would shoot me.

"Can we go in" asked Owen

"We need a Warrant. When we get one, we'll come back and take a look around. But until then, we have to look for more clues"

I heard their doors open and shut again. Mathew started moving me more towards the basement when I leaped for the kitchen counter and grabbed a knife, jabbing it into Mathews arm.

I ran away from him and out of the house watching as the cars drove through the giant field ahead of me.

"STOP" I yelled running through the field.

"OWEN" I knew Mathew was behind me and if he caught me, he would kill me.

The cars were at the end of the field but I didn't stop running.

"OWEN" I yelled again hoping to get someone's attention

One of the cars stopped and Owen got out running towards me. Mathew was starting to lesson the distance between me and him.

I kept running. The breeze was blowing my hair behind me and the tall grass smacked against my legs but all I wanted was Owen. I was going to be able to touch him again. I would be able to hug him and kiss him again.

The cars turned back around and started speeding towards us but they were too late. Mathew tackled me to the ground and two loud shots rang through the field.

Owen found me. He finally found me.

A Field of HateWhere stories live. Discover now