Chapter Two

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Fear was the first thing I felt when I came to. It was dark but I once my eyes started to adjust, I could make out a room. I was laying on the bed but I also saw two doors.

I quickly stood up then stumbled back down into a sitting position holding onto the headboard of the bed. Once I regained my balance, my eyes were adjusted to the dark room.

I stood up, slowly this time, and walked to one of the doors. I slowly opened it a little bit but opened all the way once I realized it was a closet. I walked to the second door and I realized there was a little bit of light coming from the bottom of the door.

I opened it and shielded my eyes from the bright light. I walked out and what I saw was a small hallway with 3 other rooms. I didn't open the doors though. I cautiously walked into what looked like a living room and searched for some kind of clue of where I was.
Suddenly i heard footsteps from behind me and turned around as quick as I could ready to defend myself.

There was a girl. Maybe a little bit older than me and she had her hands up a little bit to signal me that she wasn't going to hurt me.

"Hi," she said, "My name is Morgan. I'm not gonna hurt you." She took a step towards me but I took two steps back. I don't trust her.
One of the doors in the hallway opened and another girl stepped out.

Tears started rolling down my face as I began to realize this wasn't a dream like I was hoping. I was actually lost and I'm assuming these girls are too.

"This is Alana," Morgan said pointing to the other girl. "You're ok"

Morgan and Alana started walking closer to me but this time I didn't move away. I was too scared to move. Alana gently took my hand and lead me to the black leather couch and signaled for me to sit. Her and Morgan sat down but I kept standing.

"What's your name" Morgan asked

I didn't respond because my throat was closing from fear.

"How old are you" Alana asked me.

Her voice was scratchy compared to Morgan's whose was as soft.

"16" I softly replied still scared to death

Alana and Morgan looked at each other in a sad sorta way.

"I'm 20 and Alana is 23" Morgan said
"Where are we" my voice came out scratchy
"We call it the bunker because there are no windows anywhere but we're not sure"

I heard footsteps above me so I looked around. There was a small staircase in the corner that lead to some type of door.
"He's coming" Morgan whispered to Alana and I and a knot formed in my throat.

*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*
And the door opened revealing a man. The same man that shoved me into the car.

He smiled when he saw me and I walked to the opposite wall from him. Alana and Morgan stood up and went to the bottom of the staircase to greet him, although they didn't say anything.

My heart started pounding as the man slowly walked towards me. He reached out his hand towards me but I ignored it. I guess me ignoring him made him angry because he grabbed my arm tightly. Pain rushed up my arm and to my shoulder as he pulled me towards him.

I started to fight back and try to push him away from me. "Stop" Morgan said. I didn't know if she was talking to him or me but I didn't stop.

"She's 16. She's a kid" Morgan said directly towards the man now. He let go of my arm and I slid passed him to where Alana was standing.
"What's your name?" The man asked staring at me.

When I didn't respond he started walking towards me.
"Quinn" I managed to say
"Quinn," he repeated "beautiful"

He started walking back up the stairs, opened the door and shut it again.
*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*
That was the door locking
"Who was that" I asked the girls

"That's Mathew. He's the one that runs this. He's the one that took us"

A Field of Hateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें