Chapter Eleven

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When I woke up, I looked around at the scenery beside me. I was in a large meadow. A field. It was full of dandelions, shaking in the cool breeze. It was beautiful.

Far ahead of me was a person. He was at the very end of the field. I could barely make out his face but I already knew who it was. Owen.

I tried to move but there was something holding me back. I stared at Owen hoping he would come to me.

"Fight" I heard him say to me. "Survive"

I opened my eyes to the same basement I've been in for the past couple of weeks. A small pool of blood was emerging around me.

My head was bleeding and my body hurt from Mathew beating me into the ground.

I coughed up blood and scanned the room with my eyes searching for something. In the corner sat Mathew just staring at me.

"I'm sorry" he said now walking to me. "I still love you" he put his hand on my cheek but I couldn't move to push him away. I could feel myself fading into darkness.

Two hours earlier

I stayed up all night trying to figure out a way to escape. There was a small window, but I knew that I wouldn't fit through it.

The only way out was the door. I thought of every possible way to get out but it all ended in Mathew catching me. It was too risky.

He hasn't been coming down here as much. He comes down to give me food and let me go to the bathroom.

The only things he says to me is "I love you" and "goodnight"

The door opened and out walked Mathew with a McDonalds bag. He handed me a cheeseburger, fries, and a water bottle and walked upstairs.

I quickly ate still thinking of ways to get out. I heard his truck start and eventually drive away. I ran to the door to see if I could somehow break it. I threw myself against the door over and over again with no luck.

I went over to the window and stood on my tip-toes to look out of it. It was very bright out but all I saw were trees. I pulled my sleeve over my hand and punched the glass, shattering it.

"HELP" I screamed hoping someone nearby would hear me and call the police. I screamed until I heard his truck approaching.

I grabbed a piece of glass and held it with my sleeve, trying not to cut myself. Quietly, I walked to the top of the stairs and waited at the door for Mathew to walk in.

The doorknob jiggled and the door opened. I plunged the glass into his shoulder and tried to push him down the stairs.

He stumbled a bit but regained his balance as I closed the door. I ran through the house trying to find the exit. His footsteps echoed through the hallway as I locked the bedroom door.

I unlocked and opened the window as he pounded on the door. I slid myself out of the window and onto the slanted roof.

I looked down at the ground below and knew I had to figure another way down. Mathew peered out the window at me and started to slip his leg out.

I ran around the roof trying to look for something to jump into as his arms wrapped around my waist.

He pulled me off the roof and onto the ground with him, knocking the wind out of me. He still had a hold of me, but I could tell he was in a lot of pain.

I pulled away from him, standing up grimacing in pain. He got up and dragged me back to the house. I tried to pull my body away from his but he kept grabbing me and pulling me towards him.

He pushed me down the basement stairs and started storming towards me. Pain spread through my head as his fist struck my face. He started kicking me in the side as I coughed up blood.

"I thought you loved me you ungrateful bitch" he said still hurting me. "I keep you fed and warm and you still treat me like this"

A stinging sensation ran through my body as he repeatedly kicked me. After awhile I blacked out.

I woke up in a field full of dandelions. Owen was there telling me to fight.

I couldn't move because I was in so much pain. I knew this was a dream. It was too good to be real.

I opened my eyes and in the corner of the room was Mathew staring at me. "I'm sorry" he said now walking to me. "I still love you" he put his hand on my cheek but I couldn't move to push him away. His touch made me sick. The pain was unbearable and I could feel myself slowly fading into darkness.

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