Chapter Four

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It hurt so bad. Enid was my best friend. She knew the foster system and how fucked up it was. She was always on my side through everything. I never imagined a world without her. I never expected to be in a world without her.

You would think after a good eight hours of
crying, you wouldn't have any tears left, but I did. My heart physically hurt.

There was a light knock at my door and it slowly opened. It was Alana.

"I'm so sorry" she said. "It's going to be ok"

She lied. It won't be ok. Someone just murdered my sister in cold blood infront of me and she has the audacity to say it's ok. She doesn't know.

"Go away" I muttered a little harsher than intended

She closed the door and I went back to crying. I was so tired but every time I closed my eyes, I saw her. Actually, no. I didn't see Enid, I saw Mathew. He had the gun in his hand. I felt her blood on me.

With that thought I started sobbing into my pillow. I quickly ran to the bathroom and threw up. Morgan walked in and held my hair back. She didn't say anything, which I liked because I wasn't in a talking mood.

I slid down against the wall and put my head in my hands still sobbing. Morgan sat down too and rubbed my back. It was comforting.

I heard the bunker door open and closed the bathroom door with my foot. I couldn't look at him. I would do something I would regret. I thought about it for a second and realized I wouldn't regret it one bit. He deserved it.

Morgan walked out and I heard them talking.

Loud footsteps approached the bathroom door and opened it. I didn't look up at him. He grabbed me and dragged me to the living room while I was fighting him.

Even after he set me down, I was still trying to hit him. I couldn't stop. My body and brain physically couldn't stop.

"Get the other room ready" he said while pushing me off of him. He walked to the door and opened it.

*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*

"Ready for what" I asked looking at Alana.

"He's bringing someone else" she said sadly


The next morning, I felt horrible. I felt like throwing up every time I thought of Enid and I felt scared for the new person that will be down here. Alana is decorating their room like it's a good thing. She says that she 'just wants them to feel safe'

Like that's gonna happen.

I stayed in my room until I heard the four beeps of the door opening. There was a lot of loud footsteps and I know Mathew didn't come alone.

"Open the door" I heard a guy say.

The door across the hall opened for a minute or so and closed. There was a loud knock at my door followed by Mathew saying "Quinn, come out here"

I hesitantly walked to my door and opened it. Waiting for me was Mathew leaning on the wall door across from my room.

"You don't let him out. No matter what you do. If I come down here and see any trace of him, I will kill you" Mathew said

I looked down the hall as he walked away and saw two men, the same size as Mathew, in the living room.

Are those the same guys in the SUV, I wondered.

The men left and I walked into the living room to find Morgan and Alana quietly talking to each other.

"It's a boy this time" Alana said

"Who is he" I asked them curious

"We don't know, but don't talk to him. There is a bathroom in that room and we will give him food. Don't let him out though."

Hers and Mathews words mixed around in my head but I still didn't understand them. Of course I didn't trust Mathew but why would he bring someone more dangerous than him down he? Wouldn't he just-

I couldn't finish that sentence without thinking about what he did to Enid.

"I never asked you guys. How long have you been down here?" I asked the girls

"I've been here for 2 years" Morgan stated

"And I've been here 5 and a half"

My heart sunk at those words. I knew if they were here that long, there would not be any chance of me getting out.


"Help. Let me out. Please"

I sat up quickly, listening to him screaming and pounding on the door. I opened my door a crack and looked at his. I walked down the hall to see if the other girls were awake but they weren't.

One of the floorboards creaked underneath me and the boy heard it.

"Hello?" He whispered, "please help me"

"I can't" I whispered. My voice was trembling

"Who are you? What do you want?"

"I can't help you" I said as I snuck back into my room. I sat near the door way and laid down. I tried to peak under his door but it was too dark in his room

"Please" he pleaded, "let me go"

"I didn't take you. He did."

"Who is he"

"I don't know. None of us do"

"How many of you are there?"

"Right now it's just me, but two others. What's your name?" I asked him.

He hesitated before he responded. "Owen. I'm 17"

"Oh" I stuttered "I'm Quinn. I'm 16. There is Morgan who is 20 and Alana who is 23"

*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*

"Shh" I whispered to Owen before quickly shutting my door and hopping into my bed.

I heard Mathew walking down the hall and stop in between mine and Owens doors. My heart was racing.

Did he some how know we were talking. Is he going to hurt him? Is he going to hurt me?

My heart started beating ten times quicker and there was a knock on the door.

I walked over to it and opened it without making eye contact with Mathew.

"Cmon" he said while gesturing me out of my room

I walked with him until we reached the bottom of the steps. I knew where this was going. He was going to take me to the white room.

"NO NO NOOO" I screamed causing Morgan and Alana to walk out into the hallway. The door opened and he dragged me into the room. I felt a sharp pain in my neck and the door closed.

*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*

I started crying as he left me in the white room by myself. I knew what was about to happen and I dreaded it.

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