chapter 3

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i have 10 chaps already planned but not written yet and i think this book is gonna be like 30+ chaps so dear lord pls help lol

i've been rewatching clips of lm the search and it hits me every time when i remember that jes left and the show is prolly not gonna be the same anymore next season 🙂. anyways here's a chap luv y'all.


Xailendra heard her dad's angry voice calling her name from their living room.

What did I do now? She asked herself. It's not rare for this to happen to her. But everytime it does, it hurts like hell to her.

"What?" She said in a small, terrified voice.

Her dad pulls her by the hair and practically throws her to a wall. "What? What?! That's seriously your question, huh?" He said and slaps her. "You dumb, dumb kid."

Her dad slaps her once again and grabs her face, "You. What the fuck happened to my papers?!"


"You threw them away didn't you?!" Xailendra didn't answer because she probably did. She dad asked her to clean his office and of course something needs to go wrong.

"Do you know how important those papers are?" Her dad asked angrily. "They're probably— probably more important than your life, Xailendra."

Her dad continued calling her harsh names and she tries, she really tries to tune it out but some words were like marked in stone, inside her brain.

It's just one of those moments that she wished she'd be gone soon.

Another 10 minutes of name calling happened, and it doesn't do anything but stress her out.

"Get your dumb presence out of my face," Her dad growled. "Now!"

She cried silently and went to the back of their house. She hated the fact that she still cries when she hears her dad call her horrible names but it's something that she can't stop, but she almost have zero control over her crying, so she can't do anything.

Out of frustration, she punches a wall, and again, again, and a few more times until her knuckles felt numb.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

I was asked to do one fucking job and I can't even do it right, she thought and cursed herself.

She punches the wall again, and a few more times again, and stops when her hands started bleeding from the cuts she got from punching the textured wall.

She hears footsteps and she doesn't exactly want to see anyone right now, so before anyone from her family sees her, she runs to the street away from their house. Just like what she does everytime this happens.

She ran and ran, she felt her lungs burning but she ignored it.

She once again felt tears threatening to spill from her eyes, so she closed her green orbs tightly, preventing her tears from getting out.

When she was about to open her eyes, she bumps into something, or someone, so strongly that she hits her back to a street light from the impact.

"Ow, fuck," Xailendra whines out and tries to reach for her back.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I—" The woman's voice stopped when she saw who bumped into her. "Y-you're the student who called me Jesy Nelson, right?" She asked, but didn't wait for the answer and spoke again, "let me help you." The teacher reaches her hand out for the younger girl to grab, which Xailendra did. The teacher saw the girl's knuckles but decided not to ask her about it yet. "C'mon, let's get you inside my house. I'm going to check if your back is okay." She said quietly.

Surprisingly, Xailendra didn't insist. They both made their way inside the woman's house, and she made the green-eyed girl sit on her couch at the living room.

"I'm going to grab a first aid kit, your hands seem to need it," Jesy speaks softly. "I'll be right back."

Xailendra nodded lightly as a response and the woman walked away. The girl's eyes wandered around the living room. The woman's house is furnished with simplicity in mind, but it still looked elegant. One particular thing caught Xailendra's eyes though, the thing that will solidify, one thing that is a solid evidence that the woman she's with right now is Jesy Nelson.

A picture from 2017 Brit Awards, framed and hung in one of her walls.

A few moments later, Jesy came back with a first aid kit and motions to the girl to give her hand which Xailendra did.

The girl was the first one to break the silence. "So you are Jesy Nelson, aren't you?" She whispered.

"I'm surprised only you know, actually," The ex-popstar chuckled. "Or I don't know, maybe you were the only one brave enough to confront me about it."

"Eh, I'm probably the only one who noticed," Xailendra says and winces when Jesy applied antiseptic to her cuts. "Not that you look different, really. Your tattoos aren't seen, your accent changed and well, yeah."

"My accent isn't gone, though," Jesy replies, "it's just one of the things that will make it pretty obvious that I'm from the UK, and connect the dots."

Jesy finishes wrapping both of her hands and looks up to the green-eyed girl. "Now tell me, where did you get this?"



i didn't want the first scene from this chapter to be that detailed bcz it kinda brings back memories for me too so i guess that's why it kinda sucks? but yeah I tried teehee

oh and double update yay ✧⁺⸜(●˙▾˙●)⸝⁺✧

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