chapter 20

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"Hey, beautiful green eyes," Alexander breathes out. He was currently at the entrance of the auditorium, blocking Xailendra from getting in.

What the fuck? Xailendra thinks. She has a puzzled expression across her face. It's the last class of the day and this guy had to ruin it.

Xailendra still kept her mouth shut. Not because she was speechless, but she knows— from every cliché high school love story that she's watched before— that almost everything that she'll say will probably be used against her using a smug pick up line or comeback. Classic cocky boys.

For Alexander, he actually expected Xailendra to say something. From how she acts and everything, she was the type of girl who would speak up. When the girl still remained silent, the boy realised to just do what he was planning to do.

He gave Xailendra one white daisy. He assumed that the girl wasn't a rose type, and dasies seemed to be right up her ally. Thankfully, the green-eyed girl accepted the flower and suddenly his friends started cheering for his success.

Now, you might be thinking, what's up with the sudden sweetness? Why would he just act like one of the girl's suitors? A little look back from yesterday might just explain all that.

Alexander came running down from the stage just after the performance. His best friend, Seven, with some other boys from his friend group applauded him for his amazing performance. Seven hands him a water bottle and he chugged it quickly.

"You did great, man!" Seven says and slaps his back.

"I know, I know." He says cockily, with a playful smirk playing on his lips. He turns his head and looks at his female partner for the play, Xailendra who was currently huffing at her seat.

Seven saw how his friend looked at the girl and laughs. "You like her don't you?"


"Xailendra," He says. "Well, who wouldn't? She's polished. Smart, pretty, good at acting, exactly your type!"

His brows furrowed. "I don't have a type."

"Girls are your type! And guess what she is?"

"A girl." He mumbled.

"Exactly!" He exclaimed. "Why don't ya give her some chocolates and roses tomorrow, eh?"

He chuckled. "She doesn't seem like a roses and chocolate type of girl," He says. "She's more of a daisy person."

"How'd you know? Don't tell me you stalked her Facebook account and saw that she announced that she hated them or some shit?"

"Nah, man, she's a Twitter gal, I always see her scrolling through her timeline," He replied as he laughed and shake his head. "She's chaotic, mate."

Seven started drumming his fingers on his lap. "You saw her tweet something crazy, didn't you?!"

"I can't even find her Twitter handle, I tried asking people from her class if they knew anything about her, and apparently, she's a loner. No one knows shit about her." He said, disappointed.

A Different WayOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz