chapter 6

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Xailendra walked to her usual cafeteria table, where thankfully, nobody was sitting in.

Once she put her food to her table, she took her phone out and checked her fan accounts for updates. Normally, it'd feel weird that she still has a fan account for Little Mix now that she knows one of the ex-members personally, but since she technically isn't a part of the band anymore—which makes her sad—it won't make her feel awkward around her.

She scrolled through her Twitter timeline and saw a few funny tweets, mainly from what people call a struggle account, she giggled a little on some inside jokes from the fandom and tweeted about her favorite songs from Little Mix's latest album.

It was almost too peaceful for her, just eating her food and using her phone. It was one thing that she craved, peace and quiet—even though it's not really fully quiet since she was with other students in the cafeteria—and now, she's got it.


There's always but's in these type of situation.

It happened in a millisecond, someone snatched her phone out of her hands and ran away with it, with that someone laughing like a maniac.

"Hey! What the heck?!" She yells out loud and runs after the guy who has her phone. All attention were at her at this point because of what she yelled out, but no one dared to help her for some fucking reason.

The guy ran out of the cafeteria to the hallways and of course, Xailendra ran after him.

Long story short, she and the guy almost ran 3 laps all over the school and at this point they're still running. Xailendra feels her chest tighten, it became harder for her to breathe but she still ran after the guy since like almost everything that she owned, she worked hard for it.

She became slower overtime, slower because of her breathing that she can't even manage anymore at this point.

She fell on her knees, almost not being able to breathe even a single bit, she can't even hear anything but ringing, and eventually, her body dropped to the floor.

Before she passed out completely, she felt a hand grabbing her arm and she was out.


Xailendra's eyes started fluttering but she couldn't fully open because of the hospital's white light shining above her eyes. So, she decided to sit up on the bed she's in with her eyes still closed.

"You were like an Olympic runner that had an asthma attack. That passed out."

Hearing the voice, Xailendra tried opening her eyes, seeing a person's silhouette. Jesy.

"Why're you here?" She said in a sleepy voice.

"Eh, I was the one who called you an ambulance," Jesy shrugs. "Not to mention, your parents weren't picking up their phone, the principal tried calling their number that was in your info, but nothing. So here you are. And here I am."

"Thanks," The green-eyed girl smiled. "Wait, what time is it?"

"Uh, six... forty-eight."

"So I missed my classes? Great." She said sarcastically. "So you missed your classes too? Double great." She tries to open her eyes fully but fails. "Crap! Why are hospital lightings so bright!" She said and covers her eyes.

"I didn't miss my classes. I just came back here to wait for you to wake up, actually," She said and stood up. "And these lightings are fine, what are you talking about?"

"Green eyes, more sensitive to the light," She mumbled, rubbing her eyes lightly. "Thank you for bringing me here."

"No problem. The doctor said you can go home when you wake up. C'mon. It's getting late. We gotta go." She said and helped the younger girl up.

Xailendra's eyes adjusted to the light after a few more seconds while they're walking down the hallway of the hospital. Jesy drags her to the hospital's pharmacy and bought something while Xailendra was observing her surroundings.

"Hey, Xai, kid, think fast!" Jesy exclaimed and it took Xailendra's attention. The woman threw a paper bag at her which the girl caught. She looked inside the paper bag and saw some inhalers that was obviously for her, she was about to insist on paying but Jesy signalled her to not say anything else as she paid the cashier.

On their way out to the parking, Xailendra taps lightly on Jesy's shoulder. "You know, I could've paid for that y'know? You're a teacher, not Bill Gates."

"I'm also an ex-member of the world's biggest girl band," Jesy said. "And I also own a management and recording label."

Xailendra chuckles. "Subtle flex, innit?" She replied in a fake accent. It took her a few seconds before she realised what was the other thing she said. "Wait, you own a management and a recording label? What— How—" She said, confused.

"Yep," She said, popping the 'p'. "That thing's gonna be for another day, c'mon, let's go home."

They got into the woman's car and Jesy started the engine. The girl gave directions to Jesy while she was thinking about what happened the whole day.

"Today is like, pretty stupid," The green-eyed girl said out of nowhere. "Like, stupidly crazy. Me, getting my phone snatched, me, having an asthma attack and passing out, you, just announcing that you own a recording label, you, driving! Oh, my gosh." She said and covered her eyes.

"Hey! What's crazy with me driving?" She asked jokingly. "Kidding, it's pretty crazy. I never thought that I'd learn how to drive, too. But it's overwhelming, isn't it?"

"Hella overwhelming." She replied. "Here's my stop. Thanks for taking me there and taking me back here." She smiled.

"The pleasure is all mine," She said and Xailendra walks to her house. "Hey, Xai?"


"If you need somewhere to go sometimes, y'know, to cool off some steam, just knock at my house and I'll be there."

"Yeah. Thanks." She smiles and walked away.


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