chapter 21

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Xailendra opened the door out of the sudden making Jesy jump. "Hey, I'm sorry I just popped out of, um... the door but you said you'll leave the door open and I just assumed that I was allowed to come in and... yeah." She rambled and hid her grimace with a grin.

Jesy laughs at the girl's rambling and just pats the space left in her couch, welcoming the young brunette. "I was expecting you, anyways. What did you want to tell me?"

"Yeah, um..." She started and let out a nervous sigh. "It's about me being potentially adopted."

The woman was alerted by the girl's words, giving her a concerned look. She's only heard of the topic once from the girl and it was obviously a sensitive one. "Yeah? What happened?"

"Well the question should be what will happen," She said and took out an envelope out of her bag. "I have DNA results."

Jesy was left speechless for a few seconds, only opening her mouth and closing it again like a fish. "I- How did it happen?" She asked with her brows knitted. "If you don't mind me asking."

"Yeah, uh," The green-eyed girl says, scratching the back of her head. "I don't know if this was illegal, but I got the DNA sample from my brother. His saliva, I got when he was asleep and his hair, well, while he was also asleep."

"Okay, so not assume but I guess I am kind of assuming, if the result says it doesn't match, does that mean there's a 50 percent chance that it's your brother that is adopted or am I not following?" Jesy asks curiously.

"I saw my mom pregnant with my brother, so it's me that has the chance," She replies. "And, uh, I came here because I can't get myself to open the results."

Xailendra gave Jesy the envelope and the woman accepted it willingly. "Are you rooting for a certain result?"

The girl nods. "I want it to tell me that I'm not adopted," She said. "But the bad thing is I'm pretty sure that I am adopted. The only thing I need is DNA confirmation." She adds and covers her face with her palms.

"Hey," Jesy comforts her, "whatever it is in this envelope, everything will work itself out. With help from yourself too, of course."

The girl anxiously inhales. "Okay, yeah, I- uh, I think I'm ready. We better get into this before I chicken out." She said and laughed nervously.

"Are you sure that you're ready?"

"Yep. Yup, I'm pretty sure. Uh... yeah. I am. Let's just do it, please?" She asked in a tiny voice.

Jesy squeezed her shoulder to build up Xailendra's courage. "Okay," She whispered out.

With slightly shaky hands, Jesy took off the seal of the envelope. Xailendra was covering her eyes but peaking at the same time, wanting to know what really is written in the results but fearing it at the same time.

The woman's eyes slightly widened. She didn't know how to tell the girl this. Right now, on the spot, it was harder than it looked like.

The DNA result says the samples didn't match.

Meaning she was really adopted.

Noticing the silence, Xailendra says in a muffled voice, "what did it say?"

"Xai, you're... the results said it didn't match."

The girl throws her hands in the air and stands up, pacing back and forth for a moment. She smiles flatly and sits back down, clapping her hands together. "Honestly? I'm disappointed but not surprised," She said, trying to look okay. "But holy crap, this is really real now. I-I'm adopted!" She exclaimed, her voice cracking a little.

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