chapter 2

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It can't be.

It really was Jesy Nelson in front of her. Lecturing in front of her. Speaking in fro—

"Uh, hello? Miss? I'm asking what your name is? It seems like you've got your head on the clouds," Miss Nelson says and laughs a little bit and the class laughed with her too.

"Yeah— um, yes I-I'm Xa-Xailendra. Yep. Mmm." She said nervously and pursed her lips.

"A little nervous, huh? Don't worry, it's normal." She says and moves on to another person.

Xailendra was still in a state of shock when she realised that there's probably a 98% chance that it was Jesy Nelson. The only thing that makes her confused is the fact that her hand tattoos were no where to be seen, also the fact that she doesn't have a strong accent like when she was in the band, and that's when the doubt comes in.

She thought that the reason why she's here is probably to have a quiet life, so she tried to compose herself and get her shocked expression out of her face, mainly because she didn't want her teacher to freak out over the fact that somebody know her from her class.


Her curiosity was killing her.

Though she tried to promise herself not to push her own little investigation for her teacher any further, her mind wouldn't just let her do that.

So, she just observed her everytime she sees her.

See, the one and only Jesy Nelson has a certain way of doing things. One of those things are keeping her hair out of her face.

Yes, it does sound crazy that she knows how she does it, but being observant and a fan of Little Mix just makes it easier for her to convince herself that it is Jesy Nelson.

She has a certain way of talking to the class.

Xailendra probably watched almost every interview of Little Mix, and although her accent changed, her way with words didn't.

That day when the class was almost ending, she realised that Miss Nelson probably saw her observing her too much, so she tries to make it a little more subtle the next day.


This is so stupid.

It was the fifth day of her just observing her teacher and she doesn't have any evidences other than the way she does things and it was starting to get old for her.

Why didn't she just faked her name when she got here? Jessica Nelson? Really? That's a real way to hide yourself from fame.

Her eyebrows are knitted at this point, she's spent her first week figuring this 'mystery' but it brought her nothing but confusion.

Well, maybe faking her name would be illegal. I dunno, really.

Maybe this is where I give up, she thought. Instead of her studies, this is what's on her mind at night.

Finally, she sighed. This is her final decision. She looks up to Miss Nelson to pay attention on what's she's saying, but as she looks up, she sees her lightly flipping a bunch of hair from her left shoulder, which gave her a full view of her tattoo on the back of her ear.


Holy shit, it is her, Xailendra thought. Her eyes widened to the realisation. Talking in front of her is the real Jesy Nelson.

She couldn't figure out what she would say to the woman later. Was she going to confront her, or pretend that nothing's happened?

Of course you're going to confront her. You need to.

I totally need to.


Xailendra pretended to fix her things slowly.

So far this week, she noticed that her teacher doesn't leave the classroom not until everyone got out. So patiently, she waited until the last person left the room.

And now there's her and Jesy Nelson.

She grabbed her backpack and walked her way to the woman. She looked like she was reading some emails and Xailendra thought it was the perfect time to speak.

"Miss Nelson, can I ask you something?" She said in a soft and calm voice.

"Did you have any problem with the lecture, darling?" She replies, her gaze still on her computer.

"Are you Jesy Nelson..... from Little Mix?" She said with her voice slightly shaking.

The woman in front of her froze for a moment and finally puts her gaze to her student. "How—why would you say that?" She asked nervously.

"I- uhm," She took a deep breath. "Your real accent shines through when you talk, like, fast, uh... The way you move and act, I guess? And uh, your tattoos they're—yeah." She replies.

The older brunnette looks at her hands where her tattoos were supposed to be in, "I-I don't have any tattoos i—"

"Looking at where it's supposed to be makes it even more obvious," Xailendra laughs a little because she finds her actions silly, but she quickly clears her throat and her serious expression came back. "And I meant the one in the back of your ear. Looks like you forgot to cover that one." She mumbled the other part of what she said.

"I, I—" She stuttered for a response.

"It's okay, I'm just gonna.... go. Thanks for the class today, Miss Nelson." That was the last thing that she said before she bolted out of the door.


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