chapter 19

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This is probably one of the most anticipated song to be rehearsed by the cast. Well, it's gonna be rehearsed by Xailendra and Alexander.

They were going to rehearse That Would Be Enough, a song where Eliza tells her husband that he deserves to meet his son, to not fight on the war, that he's been selfless and its finally time for him to be selfish, even just for once.

If you remember, the last rehearsal with Alexander, Xailendra slighty... overreacted. Well, this track wasn't as lovey dovey like Helpless. The brunnette girl decides it's better that the other song where they basically fall in love.

Jesy was excited to see the younger girl have some screen time that's mainly focused on her. Though thisnis probably on of the most emotional moments of the show's act one, she trusts both of her students to do great.

There wasn't any pressure put onto the students yet, but the rehearsals for act one was almost done and once that it's done, they need to rehearse with the whole thing then prepare the costumes, props and the overall rehearsals before their first performance in October.

The school says that the plays were for charity. Xailendra didn't know where the hell do they get the budget for these but she feels lucky that she got a scholarship, that for once in her life she got to experience the rich kids' shit.

They didn't start the schedule with That Would Be Enough but instead started with another song that Xailendra forgot about. Well, she doesn't even know the song in the first place since she only pays attention to her part of the script.

The green-eyed girl was tense the whole time she was waiting for her call on the rehearsal. She was biting her lip, biting her nails, cracking her knuckles everytime she gets, and basically, she's just a nervous wreck. As always.

The pressure was probably coming from the cast was talking about how excited they are to hear the song, how good it might be. Some of the cast members are even giving her support and gave her tips. While some other people talk about how bad it might be and how she probably doesn't know how to play such role and blah bah blah, Xailendra just tunes it out.

When Jesy calls out for Xailendra and her supposedly husband in this play, she couldn't help but let out a tiny squeak that's filled with definitely not excitement.

She tries to shake it off — ha, classic swiftie pun, but sounds lame when I can only say it in my head. — and just get this over with. Though she's technically not gonna get this over with right now because of the final performance and all those shit, she decides that it's not being nervous about it that needs to stop — it's actually her thinking that needs to.

The set up or choreography was not a big of a problem since it's just a simple scene between a couple and that's all. What was hard though, is to keep her focus on whatever she's supposed to be doing because of the seemingly suspicious looks that she got from the other cast members. She didn't know that this was the feeling that she'll have during this play thing, but no one can actually blame her since this was her first time doing a real play.

"Now, it's time for the real thing. Our speakers are malfuctioning earlier, so I guess you's are going to be singing acapella," Jesy says. "Cue to the spotlight, please. Just like we practiced."

Both students standing on the stage clears their throats and gets ready for the performance to start.

They started acting and the couple ran to each other and hugged each other lovingly.

"Look around, look around at how lucky we are
To be alive right now," Xailendra started singing, hugging Alexander sweetly and pulled away, making their foreheads touch as they both held each other's hands.

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