Grocery Shoping

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*Louis's pov* SURPRISE

After I got done texting Brianna last night I went to bed and now I'm getting some breakfast.

"Ni, we still need suger. I did not get any last night, they did not have any."

"We need to go to the store today." Niall yelled back.

"Fine get the boys up and go." I said in a inside voice because he is in the kitchen with me now.

"Ok I'll wake up Harry and Liam. You can wake up Zayn." He said getting a apple.

"What? No! He never wakes up and if he does he hits me." I said in a baby voice.

"That's why I gave him to you. Besides going to the store is your idea." He said.

"Fine!" I said over dramatically.


Now we all have the boys up and dressed. Now time to go to the store.

"I drive!" I yell.

"Lou you always drive." Harry stated.

"I know i just like saying it" I say with a smile.

"Lou you really are one of a kind." Liam said shaking his head.

And with that we were in the car on the way to the store.


*Diamond's pov*

"Brianna, Mariaja walk your lazy asses up now. We need to go to the store, I need some damn peanut butter." I yell through the flat and going into Brianna's bedroom and hoping on her bed, almost killing her cat I might add, but shh dont tell her.

"Get up, rise and shine. Mama needs some peanut butter." I say as I'm jumping.

"Idountwannaghetuperp" she mumbled. I just kept jumping. She was always the hardest to get up. Part of the reason she is always late for everything.

"What was that boo?" I asked using a nick name I gave her in eighth grade.

"I said i dont want to get up." She said sitting up. Yeah! Mission accomplish.

"Well I need some damn peanut butter so get up and get dressed so we can go to the store." I said in one breath, as leaving going to Mariaja's room. But not before hearing Bri mumble something about not wanting to get up.

I open the door and she was on her phone looking really hard at it.

"Is everything okay?" I ask.

"My granny wont stop calling." She stated.

"We will all get our numbers changed in a few weeks, don't worry" I said trying to comfort her.

"Now get up, get dressed and meet me in the living room because we are going grocery shoping." I said, she shook her head saying "okay" and with that I left.


We all at the store running up and down the isle. Screaming at each other what food we want.

"Brianna, Mariaja over here, look at all this peanut butter." I yelled but I did not see Brianna or Mariaja. So I grabbed a couple jars of peanut butter and started running. I wasn't looking where I was running to and I ended up body slamming into someone. My peanut butter going everywhere. And me and the stranger falling onto the ground.

"MY BABIES!" I yelled. I looked over to who I ran into and it was that buff boy Who lives above us.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" He hopped right up and held out his hand to help me up. I took it and he pulled me right up. Woah! That was fast.

"No I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been running." I said shyly and tucking a piece of hair behind my ears. He started to pick my five or six jars of peanut butter. I know I only said a couple but damn I love peanut butter!

"Here I think you dropped these." He said handing them to me but a couple dropping out of my hands.

"Why don't I help you carry these." He suggested.

"Awe thank you." I said. He smiled.

"No problem." He said with that same smile. His smile was beautiful. His eyes scrinch up and he just looks like the happiest person alive.

"I'm Diamond by the way." I said with some new confidence.

"I'm Liam, hmm Diamond? Very nice name by the way." He said blushing. We walked for awhile and still couldn't find them.

"I have no clue where my friends are." I said. He chuckled.

"Same here." Just then we heard a scream come from the other side of the store.


"Well I know where they are now." I laughed and we walked over to that side of the store. And there stood Brianna looking at different kinds of gummy bears.

"Hi Diamond look at all these gumm-" She stopped and then noticed Laim was helping me, I blushed.

Then we heard "There you are Liam, were afraid you got kid napped by the paparazzi." It was the one Brianna liked.

All three of us looked confused then Mariaja spoke up, "why would the paparazzi kidnap you?" Now it was the five boys that looked confused.

"You mean never heard of the band One Direction. "Asked the curly haired one.

"Or Zayn Malik?" The one with black hair said.

"Or Niall Horan?" Spoke up the blonde one.

"Or Louis Tomlinson?" Said the brown haired blue eyes boy.

"Or Laim Payne?" Said the buff one.

"Oh please tell you have heard of Harry Styles." The curly haired one spoke up in amazement.

"No nothing is ringing the bell." Brianna said still confused.

"Story time boys!" Zayn yelled.

"Ok in 2010 five boys went on the x-factor. As solo artist. Thier names Harry, Niall, Zayn, Liam, and Louis." Harry started.

"They were put in a boy band and called it One Direction. And now thay boyband has played infont of over 3,000,000,000 people, had four number one albums in over turdy-seven countries." Niall said continuing the story.

"And now they are standing in front of a couple of the most beautiful girls they have EVER seen." Louis said moving beside Bri.

"Are you serious?" Mariaja asked.

Just then my phone vibrated and it was a tweet from British pop news saying,

Liam Payne seen with a girl at local super market. Is this a new girl liam?

And below it was a picture of Liam helping me with the peanut butter jars.

"Guys their serious." I said showing them the picture. Both girls gasped.

"Wow" we all said.

"So do you girls maybe wanna cry me hang out after we're done here, we'd really like to get to know you." Niall asked.

Even though we were hesitant we said,

"Sure" and with that we went to go tho check out line. Then to the boys flat.





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