Oh Shit

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*Niall's POV*


I jumped out of bed in fright.

"W-what?" I asked.

"Did I fucking stuttered? My fucking water just broke!" She yelled.

"Okay, C'mere babe." I helped her out of bed and grabbed the baby bag we prepared. It was in the crib.

"Niall I don't know if I can do this." She said.

"Aye don't talk like that!" I said.

"But what if I can't do this." She worried.

"Baby you will be the most perfect mum in the world. I promise." I kissed her cheek.

"I love you Niall." She said.

"I love you too Riaja." I kissed her. We stumbled to living room and Riaja let a blood gurgling scream. Every one came out in worry.

"What's wrong?" Diamond asked.

"Riaja's in labor!" Brianna said.

"Omg!" Diamond and Brianna screeched.

"If we don't hurry up, theses babies are going to end up on the floor." Mariaja said sarcastic.

Right let's go." I said trying to get Riaja out the door. The rest of the gang followed. We all piled in the car and drove to the hospital. Riaja yelled and screamed so much. She was in so much pain.

"Baby just breathe." I told. She held my hand and squeezed it to the point where it went numb.

We ran into the hospital.

"Hello my Girlfriend is in labor." I yelled at a nurse.

"Okay okay come with me sir." The nurse said. She got Riaja a wheelchair. She sat in it and was wheeled her to a room. I went with her while the other four stayed in the waiting room.

"Where's Niall? I need Niall!" She called. I ran beside her and grabbed her hand.

"I'm here baby." I said.

"Sir we need to prepare her for the birth, so until she's ready we need you to stay out here while we get her ready." A nurse said.

"Are you sure I can't stay with her?" I asked. My palms are sweat. My hands are shaking.

"We'll only be a moment sir."

"I'll come get you when we're done." She added. I nodded and thanked her. Then I walked back to our friends.

"Ni, how is she?" Liam asked. Everyone listened.

"She's fine, they are just preparing her for the brith." I explained.

"Oh god I can't believe this is happening." I sat down and rubbed my hands over my face.

"What if I'm not cut out to be a dad." I asked. Louis sat next to me and rubbed my back in comfort.

"Niall you are going to be a great dad. Why wouldn't you?" Louis said.

"Well what if I mess something up." I said.

"You're going to make mistakes. There are you first kids. But you will learn from these mistakes. And them you'll improve. Live and learn." He said. I thought about what he said. He was right. I have to take a chance. And I'll be the best dad just for the babies and Riaja.

"Thanks Lou." I say. Then I look and I don't see Diamond or Bree anywhere.

"Where the girls?" I asked.

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