The plane ride and arriving

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*Third person pov*

All three girls got on the plane and got in their seats. They all got to sit next to each other. It was Diamond in the middle, Mariaja on her left, and Brianna on her right. Brianna had the window seat and Mariaja had the seat on the end even though that was probably a bad idea cause she liked to trip people.

The flight attendant was explaining the safety procedures when Mariaja looked at the other two girls and said,

"Her eyes be on fleck." She said referring to the flight attendant that was cross eyed.(A.N. sorry if your cross eyed im not making fun of you, anyway back to the story)

The two girls busted out laughing at Mariaja's joke.

"Yass bitch yasss" Diamong said a little to loud catching weird stairs from strangers.

"Da fuck you looking at?" Dee yelled at someone. Who immediately looked away. All of the girls busted out laughing.

"I reamember saying that about all of our watch D.O.G.S. in middlie school." Brianna said. Watch D.O.G.S are Dads Of Great Students. Don't ask them that is when the were in middle school.

"OH MY GOD YASS" Mariaja exclaimed.

"Then the '21' thing. Oh and 'barely' too. Diamond exclaimed.

"Yeah i remember those we-" Brianna got interrupted.

"Exuse me, but some people want to know what happens if the plane crashes." The flight attendant said louder then needed to.

"My bad" the three girls coursed. They laughed.

"Mhmm" she said and went back to explaining something that the girls weren't listening to.

Next thing they know they are taking off and now are the way to England for their new life. Mariaja put her head on Diamonds shoulder and Diamond put her head on Brianna's shoulder and Brianna but her head on Diamonds head and they all fell asleep dreaming of what the next few months will bring them.


"Excuse me ladies we've landed you can get off." A nicer lady woke them up.

"Mhmm thanks miss." Brianna said still having a sleepy voice.

"Hey guys wake up we're here, we are in England." Brianna said excitedly.

"Really or are you just playing a joke on us?" Diamond mumbled.

"No, we are really here. Now we need to get off before they take us back." This got the two girls attention.

"Okay we're up." They said running off the plane. Brianna followed. They went to go find their bags.

"Here they are" Mariaja yelled.

"Okay" The others said and got their bags and Brianna got her cat.

"Okay do we got everything?" Brianna asked looking around.

"Yup" Diamond and Mariaja said popping the 'p'.

"Okay I just texted the landlord he's at the flat waiting for us, so lets go get a cab and go" Brianna said.

The other two just nodded with a simple 'kay' and followed her out the exit.

They went outside and Mariaja flagged down, acting like a idiot, I might add, but whats new.

When she finally got one Brianna told the driver the address and the driver took off.

"Wow it's beautiful here" Mariaja said.

"Yeah, look there is a starbucks, so I'm good." Brianna said laughing.

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