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*Liam's pov* 

As Paul is driving us to Diamond's old house. I think what if they are not here. Where would we go next to find them. God I hope they are here. I look around and Niall is looking at his lap probably thinking of Mariaja. I look over to Louis who is in the way back and just staring blankly out the window. Harry and Zayn are just typing on there phones. I turn and look at Paul. He looks tired. Well we haven't slept since the flight yesterday. After we found out where they used to live we caught the next plane to America.

We pasted a school and all the students were all just know getting out and I read the sign.

Last day of school. Have a safe and happy winter break!

With all that's been happening I totally forgot about Christmas and winter break.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when the van stopped. I looked out the window and this nebghorhood looks even worse then Brianna's. I get out as do the rest of the boys. We walk up to the house. It looked bigger then any of the other houses. We walked up stairs and right before I was about to knock. I heard some yell.


"That sounded like-" Zayn said but I cut him off.

"DIAMOND!" And I banged on the door. No one answered. I was so pissed if any one hurt Diamond there dead. Fucking dead! I banged on the door again. Still no answer.

"What are we gonna do?" Harry asked.

"This." I said and ripped the screen door of the hinges and tried to kick the door down but it was to hard.

"Here let me help." Louis said and on the count of three we both kicked and this time we heard a crack.

"Almost, one more time!" Louis said. And on the count of three I kicked harder then I have ever kicked. And this time the door went down. We all walked in.

"DIAMOND!" I yelled.

"BRIANNA!" Louis yelled.

"MARIAJA!" Niall yelled.

We all looked around. I saw some stairs leading up stairs. So I went up there. The boys followed. There was a door to the left so I went in with the boys hot on my tail.

I saw two boys and a girl sitting there looking at the tv.

"Who are they?" Asked the girl looking at us.

"I don't know but I'm gonna tell granny." Said the younger of the two boys.

"No you are not!" Zayn said and stepped in front of the door. Blocking him from getting out.

"Now who are you?" Niall asked.

"No screw that! Just where is Mariaja?" Niall asked.

"Why do you want to know?" Asked the younger boy.


"Well she is my sister." He declared.

"I don't give a fuck who you are I just want my girlfriend back." Niall said. But before the boy could reply we heard a yell but is was to voices this time.

"STOP!" One said.

"YOU GONNA KILL HER!" The other one yelled. Those voices sounded like Diamond and Mariaja. But if they are the one yelling then who is the one that is going to die? Brianna.

"Where are they?!?" Louis yelled. I think he figured out what I just thought.

"Why should he tell you?" The older boy said with a smirk. And that's when Louis lost it!

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