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"Luke, you're next." Ema spoke. Luke looked up and waiting to hear what the horrifying dare was gonna be.

"Luke, I dare you to...set your rat free." Ema said. Luke's eyes rapidly filled with tears and he opened his mouth but no sound came out.

"C'mon, it's okay we can go to the park." We drove in silence.

Tears fell from Luke's eyes and I whispered to him, "was he your, like, only friend?"

"She." Luke pulled out the small animal from the pocket in his hoodie. You had to admit it was slightly cute. I smiled, "I'll be your friend."

He smiled and put it in his large pocket. After about 10 minutes, we arrived at the park. Ema parked the jeep and we all got out. Luke walked around and found a nice spot and sat down. He took the rat out started saying somethings, that I couldn't make out from afar. Some tears rolled down his cheeks and he gently set it down. He hastily got up and walked over to us. He wiped his tears.

"You know, you're actually pretty hot." Leyla said, Luke blushed.

"Alright alright, so who's turn is it now?"

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