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3 days before

"Kourt, what do you have planned for your birthday Friday?" I looked up, searching for whoever asked me, "So?"

"Oh, I - uh well, my mom said I could invite you guys to hangout and stuff." I answered Sevren. I could feel Calum stare at me while I responded to Sevren. I blushed lightly, but thought nothing of it. I've always like Calum and my friends say that I make it obvious that I like him.

"Kourtney!" My thoughts were interrupted by the squeals of Ema.

Sevren rolled her eyes, "how can you guys stand her?"

"She's my sister and Kourt's bestfriend." Calum told her. I gave Calum a small smile and turned around. Ema running over in her heels, behind her was Melany and finally Leyla, who was on her phone trying to catch up.

I stood up, dusting off the crumbs of what I was eating from my skinny jeans. I smiled and gave her a hug.

"I already have your present for this Friday." She grinned. Melany elbowed Ema's side while she knitted. "Ow, I mean we present. We have your present."

"Oh, thanks. You guys are coming on Friday, right?" I asked and Melany looked up.

"I don't know, my parents say it's bad fro me to hang out with older kids but they're the ones who made me skip a grade." Melany said in a worried tone.

"Don't worry, my mom will talk to your mom." Ema assured her. From behind me, I heard Sevren scoff.

"Is she going?" I nodded in response to Ema's question. She rolled her eyes, "fine, she better not do any dumb shit."

"She's not as stupid as Mallory Evans." Leyla laughed, Melany and Ema joining in.

"So I'm just invisible today?" Sevren asked. I ended the conversation with the three girls and sat down with Calum, Sevren, and Michael, who I noticed had sat down with us.

There was absolute silence before I spoke up, "Who's Mallory Evans?"

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