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"Here are the rules: you give a dare and you receive a dare, if you don't do the dare," Sev turned on electrical clippers and the buzzing filled the room. "I get to shave your hair off. If you don't do the dare, you can dare the person who dared you because then you end up bald. So don't give a dare you can't or won't do, because it will backfire."

All Luke could do was touch his quiffed blonde hair. I was excited to play this game, by the looks of it Leyla was too.

"So who goes first?" Leyla spoke up.

"Luke goes first." Sevren smirked. Luke smiled and we all stood up. Everyone had wanted to play, at least not Melanie and Ema.

"Okay. Melanie." Luke chose.

"Oh, why me?!" She asked in despair.

"Because you don't wanna play!" Sevren said.

"That's not true! I wanna play, I just don't know the rules." She said.

"She just explained the rules." Ema rolled her eyes.

"Okay okay, Melanie I dare you to..."


"This isn't right." Melanie's voice shook, her eyes watery as she gripped the towel harder.

"C'mon Melanie, this is supposed to be fun!" Ema tried to make light of the situation.

"This isn't fun. Streaking is illegal." Her voice cracked.

"If you don't do it then Luke will."Sevren said.

"I have no problem streaking." Luke said bravely.

"If you don't do it now I'm shaving your head." Melanie furiously shook her head.

"Okay, we're gonna count to three. One, two, three!" We a yelled and on cue, Melanie let the towel down and started running. Sevren quickly got her skateboard, Leyla, Luke, and Ema got into Ema's car and started the car. I turned on the camera I had in my hand and started filming, as I ran after Sevren.

"Come on out and see Melanie Aimsworth's c-cups and red bush!" Sevren yelled out. Melanie cover her boobs with both her hands. On the rode speeding by us was Ashton Irwin and Michael Clifford. Michael had his upper body out the car window taking pictures of Melanie as she ran naked.

Once Melanie got to the end of three streets she ran, Ema stopped the car abruptly and Melanie got in. We opened the car door only to find Melanie wiping her tears while changing into her clothes. Luke rubbed her shoulder and whispered some things in her ear.

"Okay, who's next?"

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