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In the parking lot on "Big Wangz", I explained to Leyla what her dare was.

"So I just go in there and fake a seizure?" I nodded. Each one of use walked into the restaurant that was packed with people.

"Aw look! It's Bianca!" Sevren teased the girl who had a page boy hair cut. Sevren snapped a picture with her phone of Bianca in her uniform.

"What do want?" Bianca spat.

"Put Leyla next on the karaoke list."

"No way!" Bianca protested (no jimmy protested🌚).

"C'mon, we're playing triple dog. Let us have fun." Bianca looked at us.

"That game is fucking dangerous." She said while writing Leyla's name down.


"Up next, Leyla!" The asian man said with a strong accent. Leyla confidently walked up and started singing. A few seconds in, foam started to pour out of her mouth. She started shaking and dropped to the ground.

"Oh no! Bianca, call 911!" The crowd gasped. Leyla continued her act.

"No! It's a stupid game!"

"You should fire her!" Sevren suggested.


"Yes! Bianca you're fired!" Bianca dialed the number and handed the phone to the bald man.

Sevren laughed as Leyla finished her act.

"No, a seizure!" The man said the word that he made sound like ceaser. Leyla stood up and wiped her mouth and bowed. She ran off stage along with us.

"Should we crash June's party?" Melanie asked. We all agreed.

"When we get there, Kourt, I get to dare you." Melanie said.

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