The Letter

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    Stevonnie lay restless in their bed as they watched the clock tick away. 11:59 pm. In one minute they could open the letter. The sensations were all still their, but Stevonnie had gotten used to them.

    12:00 am. They opened the letter. Since the day they had first spotted the letter they had pondered it, although they had hoped circumstances would be better than what they were. They also had expected more of a letter, as opposed to the sort of abridged dossier that was inside.

    "Go to the Prime Kindergarten control room. Amethyst will be waiting their to debrief you, as well as all available gems to help in whatever course of action you choose. Good luck, and I trust your judgement. Here is a leave of absence note; have one of your friends deliver it for you."

     Stevonnie took the note and dropped it off at Maria's dormitory, accompanied by a text explaining what happened. They then sprinted off to the nearest warp pad, and teleported to the Prime Kindergarten. Steven still remembered the way to the control room, so they made it there with little trouble. Outside, they saw the Star Destoryer parked next to the hole. They jumped down the tunnel, ending with a little float to break the fall. Inside was like an underground Little Homeworld, although the houses were more cobbled together; it was evident Bismuth was busy somewhere else. Lars and the Off Colors were their, as they expected, alongside Amethyst and a huge array of miscellaneous gems.

    "Great, you're here" Amethyst said, as she hurried to them. This was the most down to earth they had ever seen her, if nothing else indicated something was horribly wrong, it was that. "I don't have time to explain everything, but the Diamonds were rejuvenated and are attacking Earth again. I can explain in more detail when you get back. Right now, we need you to find some way to shelter the earth from The Diamond's attack."

    "Wait you don't mean..."

    Amethyst nodded her head. "Yes; corruption."

    Stevonnie began to scramble for a plan. "Ok, let's start simple; if I get higher up I can cover a larger area with my shield. Lars, you and the Off Colors are going to get me as high up as you can. While they are doing that, Amethyst, get as many gems into the crystal temple as you can; with any luck the pocket dimension inside will serve as shelter. Go! Go! Go!" Stevonnie hurried aboard the Star Destroyer, which promptly took off.

    "Ok, so we just throw up my shield as large as we can and hope for the best?"

    "No, if we do that on this large of a scale it'll scatter the light and every gem in the half of the galaxy away from the earth will get corrupted; we need a better plan"

    "What if we could concentrate it somehow."

     "Well how would we do that?"

    "If we turn our shield around, that would make a parabola right? Didn't we learn a while back that a parabola can concentrate anything that reflects off it?"

   "That could work, but we need something at the focal point, otherwise it would blast all of Homeworld, and if the Diamonds are corrupted, then we can't fix them."

"Well we can't put a gem there; with such a high concentration who knows what will happen. But we also can't put a human their, because they won't soak it up, which means it just gets scattered anyways."

"Well that only leaves one option; us."

"Ok guys, I have a plan. I'm going to use my shield to focus all of the attack into me. Then, we are going to go full radio silence; if we make Homeworld think it's only me and a few other that made it out, then they aren't going to send a lot of soldiers here; it'll buy us some time before they figure it out and attack again. I only hope that it's enough time."

"But Stevonnie, what's going to happen to you?" Lars asked.

"I... I don't know, but I'm the only person who has a shot; there is no other option short of outright sacrificing someone, and I'm not willing to do that." The ship console alerted them that they were in the target zone. "Well, wish me luck." They put a bubble around their body and left the ship. Straining themselves, they put up their shield as large as they could make it. The light rushed past them, it was about to strike the shield. With them in position, they took a deep breath and dropped their bubble, letting the blast strike them full force. Their form began to glow and shift, it felt like their body was on fire, and they could hardly think straight. Tears welled in their eyes as they strained themselves to hold together. All of Earth was counting on them. They shined a bright pink, but it was drowned out in the light of the blast. The shield was holding, and they hadn't unfused. Their body wanted to change, but they forced it to stay the way it was. The pain got worse and worse, and began to concentrate on their gem. The blast was no longer coming in, but what was in motion was still striking them. They held the shield for just long enough, and as the last of the light was reflected towards them, the shield shattered.

Stevonnie began to stir once more. They were unconscious. They still felt weak, like they could hardly move.

"You did it Stevonnie" said Lars. The sorrow in his voice did not go unheard.

"If I pulled it off, why so glum? I just saved the Earth right?"

"You - did - so - at - great - cost - Stevonnie" said Fluorite, as they gestured to the window.

"It's working! It's working! But- oh no! Stevonnie's gem is going to be shattered!" Paparacha cried out.

"What!" Stevonnie jolted up, only to fall back down, unable to hold herself upright. They reached to their stomach to find that indeed, no gem remained.

"Rhodinite, bring in those gem shards, we need to get them bubbled at least." Lars ordered. "Then bring 'er down near the temple. Keep it slow, we don't want to be spotted by any stray Homeworld ships." Rhodinite did as they were told. Upon landing they were welcomed by the Garnet, Amethyst and a number of gems from little Homeworld. They had a stretcher prepared for Stevonnie, and carried them off to their bed to rest.

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