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    When the gem finally poofed, the principal, several teachers, and the vast majority of the students that were watching what happened came into the room.
    "Wait" Stevonnie grunted through the pain. Licking their palm, Stevonnie heal the gem before bubbling it and sending it away. Then healing their own wounds, Stevonnie stood up. The crowd cheered before being silenced by the principal.
"Stevonnie, please come with me to my office" the principal said through clenched teeth.
    Stevonnie silently followed the principal to his office. As soon as the door shut, Stevonnie was bombarded with questions.
    "Well it was another gem"
    "Well yes, he was trying to kill me, or maybe kidnap me, I didn't get a chance to ask"
   "So this is your fault‽" His anger was slowly turning to confusion.
    "No the gem attacked me, I saved everyone"
    "But if you weren't here they would have been safe"
    "That doesn't mean I did the wrong thing! It was a rouge gem, it's not that often that they attack!"
With a few deep breaths the principle composed himself. "Look, nobody got hurt, so I will let you off the hook, but as soon as somebody gets hurt, you will be out! Do I make myself PERFECTLY clear!"
"Y-yes sir"
"Dismissed" he said, finger pointed to the door.
Slightly disheartened but still excited by the thrill of battle, Stevonnie walked into their public speaking class, which immediately had an uproar. Everyone was talking about the attack that happened during lunch, except Jacob who sat quietly, rather unusual for him. They were bombarded with numerous questions, far to quickly to answer any of them. The teacher tried in vain to reign in the class, giving up after around a half hour of desperate attempts. A similar scene was presented in English, and soon came the dismissal bell. Hurrying home, they shut the door and locked it. Collapsing and spitting apart, they released a sigh of relief before turn towards each other. A silence ensued, before Steven broke it.

    "We cracked a gem Connie! It's terrible! I can hardly look at myself! I can hardly look at you! I-I it's just... Gah! I can't stand this! I can't..." his enraged speech slowly turned to a sob as he broke down crying.
    "We didn't have a choice, they were attacking, and we had no other way to stop them. And we healed them, so it's ok."
    "NO IT'S NOT! IT'S NOT OK! IT'S NEVER OK!" A concussive blast launched Connie back, as she shielded her eyes from the dust and debris. "I'm going for a walk. Don't follow me."
    Angrily walking down the late night street, little light was shed on his path, yet a pink glow seemed to light the way. Steven assumed his gem was glowing and thought nothing more of it, his mind too preoccupied on what had happened that day, both at lunch and during his blowout with Connie.
    Eventually he calmed himself down, the pink glow subsiding as he turned and went back inside the house, settling down and seeing Connie already asleep, he sat down on the far side of the bed.
    "I wish Garnet was here, she would give me some advice." he thought to himself. His eyes fell upon the dresser in which resided Garnets letter. "Maybe she doesn't need to be here."
    He opened the dresser and tore open the envelope. Inside was a note, a small box, no bigger than his little finger, and another identical envelope.
    Dear Steven,
I know you had an argument with Connie but that's no reason to open the envelope. Since you came for advice here is a little tidbit; keep this box in your backpack, and open it as soon as you can after lunch on your first day back from thanksgiving break. Also make sure you tell Connie you opened the envelope in a few minutes when she wakes up.
    P.S. Happy Thanksgiving

     The new envelope had the same date as the old one, and was in all other ways identical as well. He placed it back in the drawer and then sat back down on the bed after disposing the old envelope and placing the box in their backpack. As fortold, Connie soon began to stir. Steven told Connie what happened. She started to animate more when he said he opened the envelope, but settled back down when he said Garnet was already expecting that. They re-fused and went to sleep. They both knew Steven hadn't fully come to terms with what he had to do during lunch, but he had at least accepted that it happened.

Stevonnie ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now