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    Stevonnie and Lars day in the middle of some of the most deadly gems in the galaxy, and they only had 5 vials left, and no other weird items to pull an ace out of their sleeve with. Nevertheless, with no other options, Stevonnie took another vial and braces for the fight of their lives.

     They quickly realized that the Diamonds didn't understand their human nature; if there was anything that could save them, it would be playing to that lack of knowledge. Stevonnie dodged their blasts, dispite their harmless nature, trying to keep the Diamonds thinking they were vulnerable to such attacks. At first, the consorts payed no mind to the fray, assuming the Diamonds would suffice to defeat them, but as the fight continued, they began to worry. Bluebird flew off while Holly Blue Agate and Jasper entered their fighting.

     Yellow fired off a blast, which Stevonnie haphazardly dodged, more worried about the whip coming at them from the side, and Jasper revving up from behind. Ducking beneath the whip, Stevonnnie threw up a shield to block Jasper's blow. White fired off her aura, which they spun around and block, while Blue charged up a energy blast. Stevonnie nailed Jasper in the gut with a heavy punch, before hopping to and fro to dodge Blue's blasts. Stevonnie used up a vial and threw up spiked bubbles around their hands. One heavy blow poofed Holly Blue, but then they were almost caught between Yellow's blast and Jasper's headbutt. Thankfully they were able to leap up and soar out of it, giving Yellow a solid blow to the face on the way out. Yellow was pushed back a little, but went for a punch. Stevonnie dipped down however, and dodged effectively. White went to blast them, but they dodged left, right into Yellow's blast. It passed right through them, but the Diamonds took note and switched to physical attacks. Stevonnie landed back on the ground only for yellow to move to stomp on them. Stevonnie threw up their shield, and took the blunt of the impact, but dispite a crater in the ground, Stevonnie pushed her off. Stevonnie took off again, nailing Jasper with their shield and knocking her off her feet, and getting back up to face hight. Blue Diamond swatted at them, which they dodged, and White came in with an elbow, her face betraying that she found engaging in such combat herself as disgusting. Stevonnie managed to avoid it, before coming in with a barrage of punches back at White. White was losing ground when a punch from Yellow out an end to their barrage. The bruising healed swiftly, and they popped a vial and went for Yellow. Stevonnie shot a few hexagons at Yellow before closing the gap. An uppercut to where her solar plexus would be almost lifted her off her feet, but Yellow them spiked them down to the ground. Spotting an opening in Blue's defense, Stevonnie took out Blues leg, but White caught her and kept her from falling. 

     Stevonnie used another vial. Only one was left in the bag after that one. Even if they could win this fight, that wasn't going to be enough time. They had to think: what could get the Diamonds to get their memories back? Suddenly they had an idea.

     They threw up massive walls, cutting the Diamonds, Jasper, and now Bluebird, who returned with a great big cannon only to see what was going on. Holly blue managed to reform as well, placing everyone back where they started. "Let's stop this fighting; it's not getting us anywhere."

     "Quiet knave!" Yellow exclaimed "The consorts have already told us of your silvered tongue, your tricks won't work"

      "Really, they told you about me? I suppose they left out the part where I'm Pink Diamond?"

     "More lies!" Yellow shouted

     "I can prove it." The Diamonds were intrigued. Stevonnie let the walls drop. Jasper and Holly Blue Agate went to attack, but Yellow shot them a glare and they stopped.

     "Well let us see it then" White said.

     Stevonnie pulled from her bag the Diamond shards, and arranged them into their original shape.

     "And what if this a trick? How do we know they are real?" Blue asked.

     "Simple; we will bring the gem back to life using all of our powers." Stevonnie managed to put on an air of confidence, but inside they were screaming, unsure of this would work but having no other option.

      "And what if that too is a trick?" Yellow queried.

     "Well how about some insurance? You see this?" They held up the last vial. "These vials give me my powers this is the last one; I will be using it to help bring the gem back. If this doesn't work, I'll have no means to protect myself."

      Jasper shouted to the Diamonds "You hear that? They're almost out of power, just keep going."

     Stevonnie needed a way to make that seem undesirable. "Ah but you see..." Stevonnie stalled for an extra moment of time "I'm not using my full power"

     "What!" Yellow exclaimed

     "You heard me; I wasn't using my full power."

     "And why not?"

     "It's mutually assured destruction. I'll exhaust myself to death as well." The Diamonds were hesitant. "If I'm lying, you'll win, if I'm telling the truth, then you will see who here is actually the liar."

     The Diamonds looked at each other for a moment. "It's a deal." White agreed. Stevonnie pulled from their bag a cup from their toiletries into which to pour the vial. The Diamonds each used their aura to heal, and, as Stevonnie hoped, the gem began to reform. A desperate Bluebird fired the cannon at the forming gem, pink aura shooting at it.

      Lars, who had been sitting in the corner hiding, received a transmission from Garnet: "Get Stevonnie and their gem, then run"

     The gem took form to reveal a tall slender body with fluffy hair and a small skirt like dress. In the center of the room stood Pink Diamond.

      White was first to speak "Are you... then?" She pointed at Pink and then Stevonnie.

     "No?" Pink answered confused.

      "Then who are you?" Blue asked, but it was drowned out by Yellow screaming ready to bash Stevonnie in for their deceit.

       Lars ran to Pink "Follow me."

      "Ok... but know I'm not doing this because I like you. I'm only doing this because something is going on and I feel that you can help me figure it out."

      "Fine then, just as long as your coming along." Lars then hurried you Stevonnie, who strained to block Yellows blows. "If you want to know what's going on, your gonna need them"

     Pink sighed and bailed Stevonnie out. Stevonnie looked up to her "m... m...... m..........." was all they got out before blacking out. The last of the waters effects died off, and Stevonnie with them. Meanwhile Lars already managed to open a portal, and Pink sped through with Stevonnie in her arms.

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