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Stevonnie groaned, opening her eyes to find she is now in the school clinic, lying in one of the sick beds.
"Good, your finally awake. You have been unconscious for almost a day. We were getting worried, as there wasn't anything wrong, but you weren't waking up. The closest thing to an injury we found was a crack in the gem in your navel." The nurse said.
Stevonnie bolted upright and pulled up their shirt. Sure enough, a large crack ran down the middle of their gem.
"Easy now, we don't know what's wrong yet."
"Yes we do! My gem is cracked!" Stevonnie tried to apply healing spit, but their powers weren't working.
"Ok then, just stay calm. Can you tell me how this happened?"
"Sure." Stevonnie began recollecting the events of the day prior "So I was eating my lunch, and then Jacob showed up. He was jealous that I had become popular. I tried to ignore him but that pissed him off. He punched me square in the gut. I guess that's what crack my gem." Their body began to flicker pink, before they doubled over in pain, as the crack in their gem grew worse.
"Stay calm, are you ok?"
"Yes, I'm ok." Stevonnie groaned as she sat back up.
"Are you ok to continue?"
"Yes I can keep going. So after he punched me, I lost control of my powers and let out a shockwave as I screamed. Then I ran forward and... Oh my god! Is Jacob ok?"
"Jacob? Yes he's fine."
"But what about all that blood‽"
"Blood, no there wasn't any blood. He fainted when you ran at him, you punched but missed as he was already falling. Then he fell on his tomato soup and it spilled around his head; or at least that's what he said, is that accurate?"
"Yes, all that is correct."
"Good. Do you feel ok?"
"Not great but I'm not doing terrible all things considered." They then remembered the small box Garnet wanted them to open as soon as possible. They looked around and couldn't find their backpack. "Where is my backpack‽"
" I was getting to that. The principle has it. He wants you to report to his office as soon as you are well enough to do so. If you are feeling ok, you should go their now"
    They nodded and left for the principal's office. Kicking on the principal's door, he swiftly answers "Stevonnie, I've been expecting you. Have a seat." He waved them inside. "So, based on the fact that you have arrived I assume your feeling better?"
    "I need my backpack" Stevonnie replied.
    "Straight to the point eh? I'll make this quick. Due to your recent outburst, a student sustained light injuries, and the cafeteria has been partially destroyed again. Now, I won't suspend you, as it is apparent that he did cause major injury first, but you are going to be taking anger management on Fridays, and will be learning online until he clears you to return. You are going to have your first session now, to get in some introductions and some basics early. Here is your backpack. He is waiting for you in the courtyard."
    "Yes sir" Stevonnie replied as she left for the courtyard.
    After they left the room, they opened up their backpack and pulled out the small box from Garnet. Opening it up, they pulled out a small vial of water. After considering what it may be for a few moments, they realized it must be a vial of Rose's water. Pouring it over their gem, it began to heal the crack almost instantly. They then resumed walking to the courtyard,
You know, how come we didn't unfuse?
    What? Why would we have unfused?
    Your gem was cracked, shouldn't that have forced us apart?
    Huh, that is strange.
    Arriving at the courtyard, a man who they could only assume to be the anger management councilor sat on one of the benches. He then called out to them "Ah, Stevonnie, I have been expecting you. Please, have a seat." When Stevonnie took the spot next to him, he continued. "So the principal told me a bit about your unique situation. So I am told you are a fusion, and that means you are two people acting as one, but still distinct from those two people. Am I understanding that correctly?"
    "Yes, all of that is correct." Stevonnie replied.
    "Good, good. So I am going to want to get to know you together, but also, I want to get to know you apart. That way, I can see exactly where the problem is. Regardless, where are my manners. My name is Daniel Frayer, but you can call me whatever makes you the most comfortable, after all, this isn't about me, it's about you. So, why don't we start with your recent episode. What set you off then?"
    "Well, you see... I, um... I guess getting hit? It was like... like I wasn't in control at the moment, like I was just watching."
"So is that to say it was Steven or Connie in control?"
"Well I think it might have been Steven's gem half. You should probably speak to Steven... I'll just-" Stevonnie unfused to allow Daniel to speak to Steven.
"So you two are Steven and Connie? Well it's nice to meet you. Now Steven, would you mind telling me more about this gem half?"
"Sure so, my gem half... well I'm not sure that's exactly what it is, but it's my current theory. So as I'm finding, it comes out when I'm stressed or angry, as well as sometimes when people bring up my mom; and then there was this time, where we weren't exceptionally angry or stressed, in fact we were barely conscious enough to have been aware of what our body was doing, so maybe it just took charge because we were out of it." Steven explained.
"Well, I think maybe if you and your gem infuse we can get a bit further. Do you mind?"
"Oh I can't actually unfuse with it" Steven said, a pink glow rising to his cheeks.
"Oh that's ok." said Daniel, lifting Steven's shirt to examine his gem. "I mean, maybe we could speak to it if we pull it out?"
Steven went bright pink and let out a scream that pushed Daniel back. "NOBODY IS PULLING OUT MY GEM!" Steven went to charge in with an attack but Connie placed her hand on his shoulder, causing him to pause.
"Just calm down Steven, I'm sure he didn't mean it. Take some deep breaths." Steven began to calm down and return to his normal color.
Daniel spoke up, but his voice was wavering. "So those breathing exercises seem to work for you so over the next week, if you feel yourself getting angry, try taking deep breaths. Your dismissed of the day. Now I'm going to get a clean pair of pants and speak with the principal about hazard pay. See you next week." Daniel practically ran to his car.
Connie turned to Steven "I'm sorry he brought that up."
"I'll be ok. Thank you for stopping me." Steven replied. They held hands and fused together, before walking home.

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