Breaking Point

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    Far from having come to terms with what had happened the previous day, Stevonnie nevertheless tried to push the events to the back of her mind. Thanksgiving break was starting the next day, so they figured that they just needed to make it to dismissal, and then they can take all the time they need to sort things out between themselves.
    Arriving at school, the day began as the last one had ended, with nonstop questions, although it was starting to die down, so Stevonnie could actually answer a few of them. Everything was fine right through math. Then came lunch and, as expected, more questions came. One question however stuck out, the room going silent as all the students waited with baited breath to hear the answer.
    "So what happened to that thing that attacked? You hit its gemstone, does that mean you killed it?"
    Silence followed as Stevonnie struggled to stay together.
    "It does doesn't it? You killed the gem!"
    With that, Stevonnie could hold themselves together no longer, and in a flash of light they unfused. Steven began to run off weeping. Connie turned and eyed the young woman who said that, before turning back to comfort Steven, who had already disappeared. The crowd was dumbstruck, but Maria pointer Connie towards where Steven ran off to.
    Eventually finding Steven hidden in the bathroom, she offered him comfort. "It's not like you hurt them permanently. You may have cracked them, but then you made everything better by healing them. You can't control what you have to do when you are under attack, but you can control what you do afterwards, and you did the right thing afterwards." She reaches out her hand, which Steven took as they refused into Stevonnie.
    Rushing to their public speaking class, their was a stark contrast to what they expected, with the room being mostly quiet, although the students all seemed a bit more friendly except Jacob, who eyed them suspiciously and then, even more suspiciously, began to do their classwork. As the day drew to a close, they found that in all of their classes people were acting more friendly, and the questions had came to a near screeching halt. They found it nice to finally feel more accepted, and to no longer be the source of such scrutiny. As they left school, a few people asked about what had happened, but for the most part people let the topic well enough alone.
    Thanksgiving break was mostly uneventful, the majority of it was spent exploring the nearby area, and continuing to console Steven over what had happened. Indeed, by the end of the break, Steven had come to accept what they had done, and things finally returned to normal between them.
    Returning to school, they found that while the questions had stopped, they're popularity remained, as a lot more kids hung out with them during their morning classes and transitions.
    Stevonnie was sitting in math class, as the teacher droned on about parabolas.
    "A parabola has a line called the directix which the focal point is the same distance from the parabola as the directix at all times."
    Steven, you have been awfully quiet lately, is something wrong?
    No, I just have a feeling something bad is going to happen
    The teacher continued to drone on, explaining that light shined on a parabola would be concentrated to the focus, but Stevonnie tuned her out.
    Do you think another gem is going to attack?
    No no, it's just... I don't know really, just a bad feeling.
    It'll be fine, whatever it is, we will get through it together.
    The bell rung, and they continued on to lunch. They were enjoying their food and chatting with some of their new friends, when Stevonnie was approached by Jacob.
    "Stevonnie" he snarled, " You know, before your 'big show', I was the most popular kid. Everybody loved hanging out with me. I was on top. But then you put on a big fight for the school, and you took all that away from me! What do you have to say for yourself?"
    Don't answer him Steven, he's just trying to get a rise out of you.
    "Oh, trying to play high and mighty huh? Let's see how high and mighty you are NOW!" Jacob shouted as he punched them square in the gut. Stevonnie let out a guttural scream, knocking back all the nearby students. Dashing forward, their form flashing pink like static on a tv, they unleashed a punch. They didn't feel it connect, but Jacob fell back. The last thing the saw was red pooling at the base of his skull as they fell unconscious.

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