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    Stevonnie faded in and out of consciousness, seeing only snapshots of what happened. First they saw Maria rush out and lift them up. Another kid was making a call. The next thing they saw was the walls of an ambulance. They came to once more in a hospital, being intubated. Finally they roused and fended off the creeping dark in the corners of their vision pulling them back down they were strung up to various IV's and hooked up to an assortment of monitors. 5 different doctors rushed in an out the room confusion strewn across their faces. Looking at their badges it seemed they were all specialists in their own right.

    Stevonnie got one of the doctors attention and asked what was going on.

     "By every standard you shouldn't be alive right now, much less conscious. Your blood oxygen is 67%; your heart is beating quicker than it should be able to; your brain is twice as active as is normal; your cells have massive quantities of mitochondria, to the point they are oversized, and yet your body seems to lack energy as though you didn't have enough. It's a contradiction on every front. It shouldn't be possible at all."

    "Well I feel fine" This got the attention of every doctor, as they all started to check the readings again. After a few moments of confusion, one piped up, saying maybe they should take Stevonnie off of all the equipment and see what happens. At first the other doctors were opposed, but seeing as nothing else seems to be making sense, they figured it was the best way to find out more.

    Once Stevonnie was taken off the equipment, they stood up to the further amazement of the doctors. The doctors asked them a few questions on their medical history. Namely, the absence thereof.

     "Do you have a general practitioner?"

    "Uh... yes. Dr. Mahashwaren." One of the doctors typed on a computer briefly before responding.

     "This says Dr. Mahashwaren is a specialist, not a GP. Are you sure you have the right name?"

     "Yes. She my... mom." The doctor huffed and mumbled about a violation of impartiality. "If someone could bring me my stuff I could call her." One of the doctors called for a nurse to bring Stevonnie's bag. When the bag finally arrived Stevonnie dialed up Dr. Mahashwaren, only for there to be no reply. They announced it to the room and said they were going to make another call and see if they could be patched through.

     "Hey Garnet."
     "Hey Stevonnie. You're at the hospital right?"
    "And you're calling for me to patch you though to Dr. Mahashwaren"
    "You know it"
    "Sorry. We evacuated everyone off planet, and everyone turned their wailing Stones off."
    "What do you mean everyone turned their walking stones off for a while?"
   "Well you basically screamed a video message into all of them."
"I did do that. I guess that was quite loud"
"Yep. Cracked the ground for most of us"
"Well I didn't expect that loud."
    "It was."
    "Well still, take the warp and put her on the phone."
    "Already there."
    "Right. Future vision."
    "Putting her through."

    "Ok, I've got her on the line." Stevonnie put the phone onto speaker phone. "Ok mom, your on speaker phone. I'm at the hospital-"

    "Already knew that Stevonnie."

    "Oh Garnet filled you in."

    The doctors all began asking questions of her. She cut the lot of them off. "Stevonnie is a special case. She is 1/4 alien, and is two people. They also had there gem shattered, so what little I knew about gems doesn't apply. If they say they are fine; they are fine." There was a pause where everyone was silent. "Garnet says she has to go; I'll talk to you when the war blows over. Bye Stevonnie."

    The doctors spoke over each other for a moment before coming to the conclusion that both Dr. Mahashwaren and Stevonnie had gone insane. Shortly thereafter, Garnet broke in through the window, picked Stevonnie up, and carried her back to the warp and returned to the temple.

    "What was that about? That was unconventional, even for you."

    "If you stayed any longer they would start running tests to confirm you and Dr. Mahashwaren were lying. After they realize you weren't, you'd be tied up in tests and dissections for to long. If that happened there was three possibilities. The first possibility is that the Diamonds would come and without you to help, they would destroy the planet. The second is that colonization gets restarted, and all organic life dies. The last was that it would take so long as that the cluster broke free from your bubble which is slowly deteriorating and blow up the planet. Needless to say; not desirable."

    "Woah woah woah, the cluster is breaking free."

    "Well what did you expect; your gem was shattered, so every construct you have summoned starts to fall apart, starting with the ones that are most taxing."

    "I didn't know that."

    "I guess you wouldn't have; I forget sometimes that you don't know everything a gem knows. It's easy to forget when you've gotten so smart." Garnet ruffles their hair. "Now then, there's some more Rose's water next to the warp. Get along back to school, we want you being all caught up when your mom comes back."

    "My mom? Wait you mean Dr. Mahashwaren. Yeah, she would never let Connie see Steven again if she thought he was getting in the way of Connie's studies." Stevonnie grabbed the Rose's water and warped off. Immediately Garnet fell apart; that was too close for comfort. She almost let something big drop; and if Stevonnie knew, it would screw everything so royally as to cost them the Earth.

Stevonnie ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now