First Day of School

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Waking up in the early morning, Stevonnie stretched out and got dressed for the day. Mentally preparing themself for the day, they ran through their schedule. They had history first period, second period was open, then they had world language. They were taking French, because Connie had always found French fascinating and beautiful. Fourth period they had taken environmental science, fifth period was also open, before calculus in sixth period. Seventh was lunch, and today they would be meeting with Maria at that time. Then was public speaking, which they took to help themself get over large crowds watching them. Lastly they had language arts before the days end.
Walking into history class, Stevonnie took their seat. The professer, professer Francis, began roll call.
"Ava Adams, Sophia Cortez, Zachary Davidson..." the professer droned on. The only kid they recognized was Jack, who was apparently the kid that was in a headlock the day before.
"Now class, I would like you each to come to the front of the class and share a little bit about you"
"Let's not tell the class we are a quarter gem"
"Why not? It's something about us"
"I don't want to start the school year off with most of the school thinking we are weird"
"Okay, fine"
Most of the class's responses were uninteresting. A few kids spoke about what they did over the break. Finally, Stevonnnie's turn came.
"Um... Hi I'm Stevonnie, and... and I'm non-binary, I use they/them pronouns" After incurring a few awkward looks, Stevonnie sat down, narrowly avoiding falling apart. The remainder of the period was uneventful, with the teacher explaining classroom rules.
    Second period was uneventful, as they had little to do, given as that they know almost nobody and had no class either. Third period started much the same as first, with the teacher taking role, although Maria was in this class, she was across the room, so they did little more than a silent wave. Not five minutes after role call, the teacher's phone rang.
    "Hello. Yes. Ok then. I'll send 'em over. Stevonnie, Front Office wants you"
    "Didn't even take a full day for that freak to get sent up there!" A student laughed from the back. Stevonnie silently stood and left to go to the front office.
"What's wrong Connie?"
    No response.
"Is getting sent to the front office bad?"
    "Well we haven't done anything wrong"
    Steven could feel Connie was still nervous, as he struggled to hold the fusion together. However, when they stepped through the door and saw the stern gaze of the Principal, his resolve failed and the fusion fell apart in a bright light.
    "What on God's green Earth is going on here‽" shouted the Principal.
    Connie mumbled timidly as Steven began to explain, "Well you see my name is Steven Universe, and that is Connie Maheswaran. I, you see, am only half human, and half gem" he lifted his shirt to reveal the gemstone "Because I am half gem, I can do something called fusion, where I combine my form with that of someone else. Stevonnie is me and Connie's fusion. We are enrolled as one student."
    "Well then 'fuse' back together and we can continue"
    "We can't. Connie is so nervous about having been called into your office, that the fusion falls apart" Steven explained. Connie have a small nod.
    "I just want to ask you some questions about the fight yesterday, your not in any trouble"
    "Oh. I feel kinda silly now" Connie stated before placing her hand on Steven's shoulder. They then refused and the principal began asking questions about the incident the day before. After a while the principal was done and sent them on there way.
    "Oh, and before you leave; when it comes to the supernatural shenanigans, I don't care unless someone gets hurt. I don't want to put any more pressure on you than I need, it sounds like you already have a lot on your plate"
    Nothing more of note happened in science or in math, and soon came lunch. Picking up her slop from the school cafeteria, Stevonnie left with a salad and some milk. After some searching, Stevonnie located Maria. They greeted each other and sat down for lunch. As they ate, they chatted and made small talk. They had talked a lot about Stevonnie's powers and nature as part gem, but there were topics Stevonnie steered away from, such as the Diamonds and Homeworld. Soon the period was over, and they bid each other farewell and left. In public speaking they found out that they shared the class with Jacob, whom was the guy who had Jack in a chokehold the day before. In language arts, they sat next to Maria, which satisfied them both.
As the last period came to a close, Stevonnie retired to their dorm, meditated, and then went to bed. They were still a bit nervous, as most of the classes weren't in full swing yet, and then there was the mysterious note Garnet left.
    (A/N: I hope you all are liking the story so far; if you have any suggestions for improvements or anything you want to see me include, let me know by commenting here                                        —>

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