Taking Stock

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    Stevonnie climbed aboard the Star Incinerator, and Lars and The off Colors boarded soon after. Stevonnie stares out the window at their home.

     "Beach City. Every time I see it from this angle something bad is happening. I guess this time is no different."

     The ship engaged it's nova thrusters and took off. It would seem their school year had been ended abruptly. Homeworld was a week or so each way in the best of cases, but they had to go slow as to not alert the enemy if their presence by their gravitational wake, so Homeworld was closer to a month out.

     It was about a week in that Stevonnie decided to  pour the contents of her bag on the table. They had plenty of time to prepare still, but there was no point not knowing what they had. The contents were mostly ordinary items, food and drink, toiletries, and clothes. Then came the more oddball stuff, like a few vials of Rose's water, enough to bring them up to an even 25; a cactus plant; and two bubbles of gem shards. The first one was recognized by Steven as the ones which brought frybo to life, but the second ones where what caught their attention. It was their shards. Stevonnie had no idea why Garnet saw fit to bring their shards. The shards which brought frybo to life were special in that they could animate objects, but their shards had no such power to their knowledge; it just didn't make sense.

     Stevonnie was still thinking about it when Lars called from the bridge "Stevonnie man the Star Skipper we've got company." Stevonnie grabbed her stuff and hopped in. When Stevonnie got in the screen showed what it was that Lars spoke of. Emerald had tracked them down. They honestly had forgotten that Emerald had a tracker on the ship.

     " You Off Colors are in my grasp now; just wait till I present your shards to the Diamonds!"

     "Come on Emerald, we know you won't wreck your own ship."

     "That clunk of junk? I could get 1,000 of them for the bounty on your head alone."

"Oh no" Lars mumbled before barking orders "Rutile Twins evasive maneuver 7. Rhodinite you're manning the guns; on my cue point and shoot. Stevonnie your gonna swing wide and get behind them. If they try and turn, get within the turret arms and fly about shooting."

Stevonnie took off as the Sun Incinerator opened fire on the Destiny Destroyer. The Rutile Twins twisted and turned the ship about. Stevonnie went to go around back, but the ship turned and fired. Stevonnie narrowly scraped by and used a vial to boost their speed. With the increase in reactions, they took out the ship with ease. Returning to the ship and docking the Star Skipper, they returned to their thoughts.

"Hey Stevonnie what's up?"

"Well its just... in the bag of stuff Garnet gave me, one of the things was my gem shards."

"Well, I don't really know what to tell you. I'm sure she had a reason"

"But what? Does something happen to them? Why do I need them?"

"I guess you'll find out eventually."

Realizing that's the best answer they could get and giving up, they settled in for the rest of the trip. Little happened on the emptiness of space, and eventually they arrived at Homeworld

    Stevonnie mentally prepares themselves.

    "I do it for her" Connie thought of Pearl who she had lost.

    "I do it for him" Steven thought of Lars who was risking his life to help them try and save everyone.

    They looked at their shards and thought to what this rebellion had done to them "I do it... For ME"

Stevonnie ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now