Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 Of Colorless: " Surprise, Surprise."

Song ~ Katy Perry - Dark Horse Ft. Juicy J * Wattpad won't let me put it on here, so bare with me until I have time to come back and post it on here!*

I love your comments guys! Keep 'em coming, I might nominate some of you as " The Best Commenters Of The Chapter "! Nice ring to it, don't cha think?

And don't you just love that picture. ^^ 😂😂😂👏👏👏

Anyways back to this story!!


" You are such an--"

" What? An asshole? A sexy beast? A legendary God whose abs you wish to run your tongue over and over again?"

I huffed out frustratedly as I rolled my eyes at him while folding my arms over my chest. As I did so, he had the nerve to actually shamelessly look at my chest.

So I punched his chest --- which only made the situation worst.

" Ooo, I love it when you put your hands on my body, baby." He purred mockingly as he grinned from ear to ear.

" Why would you do that?!" I ignored his little smart remark and got right to the point. Now all because of him, my mother will be expecting him as my ' boyfriend ' instead of Tyler. I had planned to tell her Tyler was my boyfriend but Noah just had to come crashing in and make things more messed up than they already are.

" What? Telling your mother of our undying love? Or how I treat you like a princess and wait hand and foot?" He chuckled as he made dramatic gestures with his hands.

" Why don't you just leave me alone." I whined, tired of his silly games he just loves to tease me with.

" Because I want you." His playful mocking demeanor was no longer there, instead it was replaced by seriousness. His eyes darkened with determination and demand as the smile wiped off his face and was replaced by a stone cold look of need.

What he had said had thrown me off guard and I was caught in the hands of surprise. He finally admitted it, he admitted that he wanted me. Me...

" You're just begging for me to beat you senseless aren't you?" Tyler had suddenly returned and his voice was in a low deep tone that boomed and echoed down the dorms corridor.

" I could say the same pretty boy." Now it was Noah's turn to slit his eyes and glared at Tyler like he knew something Tyler didn't.

" Don't start now guys." I mumbled as I shook my head scoldingly at them. " My mother is waiting for us, Tyler." I turned my attention towards Tyler who still glared coldly at Noah while I felt Noah's eyes land on me.

" Count me in, your mother sounds very excited to meet me and I can't wait to tell her how we met." His mocking manner was back but laced with something that was meant to set Tyler off.

" What? What does he mean?" Tyler raised his voice as he turned to stare at me questionably.

" He took my phone while I was talking to my mother and told her that he was coming along." I didn't wanna tell him that he also mentioned being my boyfriend because Tyler looked like a ticking time bomb ready to blow at any minute.

And even if Noah was my boyfriend, my parents would never approve of such of a guy like Noah. His tattoos, his sarcastic, rude behavior and the way he has a charming smile that could flock in a thousand girls if he pleased.

Tyler on the other hand is a perfect example of a boyfriend. My parents would choose Tyler over Noah any day.

" So let's get a move on people!" Noah clapped his hands and bounded down the stairs to my car with a happy skip. Me and Tyler mirrored the same expression of complete and utter annoyance.

Colorless * Editing :) *Where stories live. Discover now