Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 Of Colorless : Two Can Play This Game

Song ~ Taylor Swift - Blank Space


" Butt naked nasty or nah? Can you make it butt naked nasty or nah?!" Hayden sang as she danced around the dorm, her phone playing the vine over and over again. I tried throwing many pillows at her to shut her up, but as you can tell, she's still singing away.

But I am the one to blame, I was the one who had started this whole thing. I was laughing at a few Cameron Dallas Vines that were on my feed and Hayden just so happened to walk right when the ' Butt Naked Nasty ' vine came on. And gawd, was it funny to see her almost break her neck to try and be nosy.

So that's how it started. I have to be carefully being on Vine around her, she'll go insane and start dancing like she's at a rave party.

Also, I told her about Tyler asking me to be his girlfriend and how funny the whole ordeal was. She totally freaked out, by repeatedly hitting me on the arm and then hugging me and then going back to abusing me. She said that we were bound to end up dating and she was just waiting for when we actually did. When she saw Tyler he got the same bipolar abusive treatment I had gotten. But overall she was very happy for us, and whenever we were together she would be our little audience and gush whenever we shared little pecks.

Even Dakota was rooting for us even though I didn't really talk to her that much other than Mrs.Clark's class we have together. She had too had just gotten into a relationship, the boyfriend Hayden and I have yet to meet. Actually, I think we get to meet him tomorrow for lunch.

Everybody seems happy except for you know who. Lately, he has been more visible, like whenever Tyler and I go out for lunch, I sometimes see him with some random girl. And whenever we link eyes, he does the most childish thing he could think of; which is sucking the face off of the girl he is with. He thinks this whole ' I don't care ' attitude he's sporting is making me jealous. But he is only making a fool of himself.

I am the one who is actually in a relationship. Relationship meaning between two people, that a new girl every week. He changes women like he does underwear. Well... Hopefully he changes those too.

So just to prove that I'm not jealous, I rub it in his face by always making sure he sees Tyler's and I little make out session. And to my victory, he stomps off like a little five-year-old who can't get what he wants.

Evil? Unfair? Wrong?

Well, it's not like I'm using Tyler. I truly do like him. But there are advantages that come in handy with him being my boyfriend. Like making Noah jealous.

I don't know why I care. I should just simply let it go and enjoy actually having a boyfriend. But my soul will not let me just let it go when Noah had basically believed I was just another easy lay to him. And my pride would not let me back down without showing him that I was nothing close to easy.

' Hey babes, meet me at the campus cafe. < 3 ' A text from Tyler brung me out of my evil master plans for getting back at Noah. I smiled down at my phone like the true weirdo I am before throwing a pillow at a dancing Hayden.

" Do you want anything from the cafe? I'm meeting Tyler there." I offered as I slipped his hoodie he had let me keep over my tank top I wore.

" Could you bring me back a mango smoothie? Please and thank you." She beamed, she loved mango smoothies, especially the ones from the campus cafe. It was like crack to her.

I chuckled a bit before nodding. I grabbed my dorm keys and headed out the door. And it was no surprise seeing Noah there.

With some random girl.... Kissing her sloppily on the mouth while she tugged at his hair. I rolled my eyes, he was doing this on purpose! Why would you proceed to screw outside your dorm?! Right by the door!!

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