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Samara POV

I love my small apartment. Its tiny and all, but just pretty awesome. Since Tony doesn't get home from highschool until 4, I decided I would just be lazy and sit on the couch, but as usual, Mia would never allow that.

Mia appeared next to me and I shot up straight in the air. She laughed hard for a few minutes until she could finally calm down.

"Scared much." She said cooly and cruely.

"Im not scared. You just took me by surprise. And what are you doing here."

"Im here to tell you that you need to tell them the truth."

"The truth. What do you mean by the truth." I asked. Mia threw her arms out and showed me the kanay markings on her arms.

"Jax especially. But they all have the right to know. They should know that our mommy and daddy were kanays."

"You mean I should let them know that you are a kanay. My dad was a wizard. And Níco still hasn't told Jax's father. Hes been lying to him the whole time."

"Are you forgetting Samara that mom was a kanay too. Your half witch, half kanay. You need to choose where your loyalties lie."

"My loyalties lie with Emma and her friends. But honestly, I'm in the neutral zone. You kanays go have your war with witches. I side with the witches."

"You know, its too bad the cristal de caballero doesn't work on you." Mia said, right before throwing a fireball. I dodged and it landed next to me.

"Two can play that game Mia." I said, throwing several bolts of lightning at her.

"Oh. Using the little kanay in you are we." Mia taunted.

"Honestly Mia. I chose the witch side. You're a kanay. So. Why do we have to fight over this."

"Has da...Níco taught you anything about kanays. Rule 1 use precaution so Jax's dad doesn't find out, and rule 2 witches destroy kanays. We need to destroy them before they destroy us."

"The witches aren't like that Mia. I am half of one. Technically Emma is half a witch, but shes the chosen one."

"'The witches aren't like that Mia. I am half of one. Technically Emma is half a witch, but shes the chosen one.'" Mia said, imatating my voice perfectly. "You really should listen to yourself once in a while. Your voice is so high pitched, its like Bernadette's from the big bang theory."

"You know, the world knows about magic now. But they don't know what really caused the big bang."

"It was the beginning of the hundred year war between witches and kanays, we all know that." Mia snapped back before jumping up and floating in the air, a fireball in each hand. Mia combined the fireballs, ready to strike.

I knew I had to act. I took in my surroundings like my parents had taught us. I needed to either take Mia in a fight, or flee before she did the kanay duel ritual.

I slammed my wrists forward the few kanay markings on my arm lighting up. I punched my arms in the air, the ground cracking beneath. Mia was a full kanay, me only a half one,  and easily she could destroy me. But I couldn't be destroyed. If I won, I would be more powerful than her.

"You think you can take me." Mia sceethed throwing the fireball, only for me to dodge it again. I sent hurricane force winds at her.

"I don't want to be cocky, but yeah, I can take you." I said, jumping up in the air like Mia had and I hung there.

"You know, I can barely see your spider marking." Mia said. She threw a tiny fireball at my digital watch. I didn't move in time. The watch dicintegrated and there was a small burn on my spider mark.

"Hey. I spent over 400 dollars on that." I said, throwing a little tornado at her.

"Yeah. Say goodbye Samara." Mia said, a smirk covering her face.

"No. You say goodbye Mia." I screamed, full of fury.

I sent a tsunami at Mia. I knew I had to get out of there, I didn't, no I couldn't be there for the ripple effect.
"Faster than a mouse, send me to Maddie's house." I said, waving my hand in my witch power's motion.

I appeared in Maddie's house in the kitchen, imbetween Diego and Rosie's spots at the dinner table.

I was in the house, all alone. Maddie and Diego were at school, and Rosie was most likely at Ursula's house. I needed to tell them the truth. So I summoned them all there and told them the truth.

So I'm teat sorry I haven't updated in a while like I had promised. Now I hinge watch the show, so I watched episodes 1-16 in the past 4 days. So I didn't know Mia was actually a kanay for the longest time. I had to figure out a way to write Mia as a kanay, and I just did. I still haven't figured out how I'm going to write the principals killing Mia's parents. I have watched every episode but the finale so far. I am not reading anyones posts because I'm worried they'll spoil the finale for me. I really want Demma. Go team Daniel. But the number of votes for Jax were so much higher, I really think its going to be Jemma and I'll be upset, but for those of you Jemma shippers, its okay, I just prefer Demma. Anyways it will always be team Daniel (Demma) in my fanfic so even if on the show it does turn out to be Jax, I'll be okay with it since Demma's fire of love will always be lit in my fanfic. Cheesy, I know. -ILUVDINOZZO

So I watched the finale. A part of me knew it was going to be Jemma, but I was really hoping it was going to be Demma (no offense Jemma shippers). I hope they make a season 4 and in the end have Emma choose Daniel though. I understand why Emma let Mia go. Mia helped her in the end. I also liked how she stood up to the council like that. I also hope Phillip is okay, having Maddie as a sister. I decided to have Jandi instead of Andi and Phillip. No offense to Phillip or anything, but the whole zombie thing creeper me out even though Emma turned him human. That's all. -ILUVDINOZZO!

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