It's A Nice Day For A White Wedding Part 1

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Emma POV
"Omg. Omg omg omg." I said, squealing loudly.

"If you say Omg one more time Emma, I might just kill you." Andi said in a hushed voice. I rolled my eyes at her.

"It's my wedding day. Its illegal to kill the bride on her wedding day."

"I cant believe you and Daniel are getting married. I mean Em, I know you're pregnant and all, but we are still in highschool."

"Andi, we are in love." Andi smiled at me.

"I know you are. I love you kid."

"I love you too Andi." I replied.

I picked my wedding dress up and took it out of the bag. So far only Maddie had seen it (other than me, of course) and I was excited to show everyone. I twirled it around.

"I love it Em. You look so perfect in that dress. Ready to go to the church and get married." Andi asked.

"Yes." I replied. I stepped outside and Andi helped me into the lino where Maddie, my cousin, and Daniel's little sister Melanie.

"Woah Emma, love the dress." Mel said.

"Thank you. Come on, we have to be there on time. Im so excited. Omg, Omg, omg." I said.

"If you say omg one more time Emma, I might kill you."

"That's what I said."

"Are we agreeing on something."

"I think we are Maddie." Both girls shruddered.

Daniel POV

"Well son, today you become a man. Didn't think it would be this soon." My dad said, wiping a tear from his eye, before fixing my tie.

"I didn't either. But I love Emma." I said.

"Don't you think you're rushing things. I mean you are still in highschool. I get it. Emma is pregnant. But I don't want you to do anything drastic without thinking."

"I am thinking." I shouted.

"Alright then. Where are you going to live? How are you going to make money? How are you going to support Emma? The baby?"

"Look dad, I made mistakes. A few. But I love Emma and our baby. We will figure this out."

"I don't believe you."

"Fine. Don't bother coming to my wedding then. Tommy, Rob, get ready we have to go in a few minutes." I shouted up the stairs. I left my dad in the garage, waiting.

I got the boys and picked up Diego and Jax. Then I raced to the church. I caught only a glimpse of Emma, before Maddie saw me looking and gave me a dirty look.

"Hey." Diego whispered.

"Yeah Daniel, you've barely said a word. Are you alright."

"Diego, Jax, me and my dad got into a huge fight." I said.

"What happened." Diego asked.

"Basically he's pissed off at me." I replied.

"It'll be okay man. Its just like when me and my dad get pissed off at each other. He hasn't talked to me since I told him about Andi. He doesn't even know about our baby." Jax said.

"Yeah man, it'll pass. Everyone has rough times."

"Ready to get married. Spend the rest of your life with Emma."

"Yeah. I am." I said, proudly.

Francisco's POV

My daughter. Getting married. In highschool. No no no, that would not do. I could not let the wedding happen.

"Its not too late to change your mind." I whispered to Emma, before taking her arm. We were ready to walk down the aisle.

"Dad, I love him. And if you don't accept cant walk me down the aisle. I'll find someone else to."

"No you cant."

"Then I'll walk down by myself." Emma said, jerking away from me. I went into the main room and sat down in the front row.

Emma walked down the aisle. She looked so beautiful in her dress, carrying red roses. A tear escaped my eye.

Emma and Daniel joined hands. The minister stood and began.

"Before we begin does anyone object to this marriage." Before I knew what I was doing I stood up saying the following.

"I object. Emma, we are going home, right now!"

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