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Emma POV
OMG. Today I was graduating high school. I could already see everything in my head. Daniel's valedictorian speech, my dad speaking and giving people their diplomas, family members cheering, and the best, the afterparty.
Its going to be great. We're having a family/friend party at the house. Yesterday me and Danny went shopping for the party.
I cant wait to graduate. Finally free from the hellhole called high school.
I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!

Daniel POV
Wow. High schools over. I really am happy to be rid of it. But that's where I met my friends and the girl I love. So im happy with the time I was there (for the most part).
I can hear Emma humming as she's putting her cap and gown on. I put my own on and sat down on the bed.
"You okay Danny." Emma asked.
"I'm perfect Em." I replied, smiling.

Andi POV

I'm so excited. High school graduation. No more home work.

Sorry for such a short part after such a long time of no new updates. But I promise, it's a two parter and I'll make sure It's super long. See you Monday at 7:00 with a new update. 

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