Demma, Jandi, and Miego Are Pregnant. This is Miss Information Reporting Live

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Hi. I love all comments and suggestions, so keeping putting them up. Also over 4.5k reads. You guys are all awesome. Thanx.
Gigi POV
"This is Miss Information live, recording from a secret location. And what a scoop.
"There are people we know going around the halls that are pregnant. And you wont believe just who some of them are.

"Cut the crap Gigi, no one cares."

"I care about true facts Diego. All it is is gossip flooding the halls and I need to set people straight."

"Fine, do whatever you want." Diego yelled back.
"Sorry about that. My brother doesn't have an eye for news like I do. So I read the results from the poll I sent out, who in our class would be most likely to get pregnant in high school. Here are the results.
"Sabrina Feldman. I thought so too, but nope.
"Leslie Diamond and Johnathen Weiners. I can see why one would think that. Nope. None of them are pregnant as far as I know so if they are they are keeping it hidden really well.
"Oh, here's a text...from my brother. It says you shouldn't be meddling in other people's business. Diego go away. I'll just spill your secret first.
"First, my idiot brother knocked Maddie Van Pelt up. Maddie, the panther Maddie, is pregnant. We do not know what the gender is yet, apparently, my brother doesn't care enough to tell me.
"Next is Andi Cruz and Jax Novoa. Also, I was listening the other day and I got a picture of Jax proposing to Andi. They are getting married and having a baby. So cute.
"Finally we have a real shocker. A real shocker.
"I should start by saying that Emma Alanso is actually now Emma Miller. I heard her telling a teacher that her and Daniel tied the knot and she is a Mrs. now. And my brother didn't tell me. Loser."

"Hey, I heard that Gigi, and you are so dead."

"Maybe I should tell mom Maddie's pregnant then."

"Shes going to find out anyway. I was just hoping it wouldn't be from your stupid blog." Diego yelled back.

"Its vlog, you Moron. Go die in a hole." I yelled.
"Also, Emma is pregnant. Like the principal's daughter is pregnant. That just suprised me so much.
"Before I sign off, I should say that I am having a thing for what you want their babies to be named. Just mention who should have it and remember that we don't know if its a boy or a girl yet for any of them. So put one girl and one boy name for each. This certainly has been an interesting vlog. Goodnight."

I signed off and shut down my computer. Everyone will see my latest video. Yay. I cant wait for everyone to see the truth.

Diego and Maddie came bursting into my room. I looked at them, then Maddie started screaming at me.

"How could you..." Diego said and the two walked out of my room. I didn't mean for any of that to happen.

Maddie POV

"I cant believe your sister did that."

"I know. Atleast she doesn't know about one thing though."

"What's that Diego." I asked.

"Us. know. Shes just right next door and I don't want to say it out loud exactly." Diego whispered.

"You're right. You know what. It should be tonight. Just you and me. Im ready to become Mrs. Ruega. My mom wont be happy, but I'll tell her to stuff it and shut up."

"Really Mads."

"Really. My little Proxy."

"You haven't called me that in a while."

"I know." I replied. We snuck out the window into Diego's car. We sped towards a chapel in the dark.

In the comments section, tell me what you want me to name the babies. Leave a girls and a boys name for each of the couple. If you want to and your device wont let you comment, that's fine, just leave it on the comments section of my profile and make sure to mention that its for this story. Thank you. -ILuvDiNozzo!!!

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