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•A Changed World•



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"I  D O N ' T  E V E N  K N O W  where to begin," a woman Laila had never seen before questioned, keeping her tone composed in front of, at first glance, such a fragile looking girl, who didn't even bat an eyelash.

To say Laila Alatorre - Rivas looked innocent was confusing, because she wasn't the first kid questioned after such an unfortunate event. More so, her face held no remorse, not even a little bit for her classmate who had met such a tragic end. The detective could only wonder what Laila's relationship with the girl was. "It says here in your file that you're also a scholarship student," the redhead woman continued, flipping through Laila's thin file, the woman sitting next to Laila nodding, because Laila wouldn't move a muscle. "Would you explain how you were able to get it? Did you come together with the other three students four months ago?"

Laila glanced at her aunt through the corner of her dry eye, sitting idly next to her who pondered for a second before nodding, a little burdened her niece was put in such a position. "No," Laila answered, her voice low as she showed zero emotion, having mastered years worth of practice. "I was already in Las Encinas before they came."

The detective nodded her head, scribbling down something as Laila breathed out, not moving a muscle as if nailed to the chair. When the woman finished writing she raised her eyes up at Laila. "How... did you manage to get it then?"

"How is it relevant?" Laila's aunt and lawyer questioned curiously, discretely placing an arm around Laila's shoulders, Laila not moving yet.

The detective smiled slightly, meeting Laila's emotionless eyes which made her doubt the facial expression she offered Laila. "The more we know, the better."

Laila smiled suddenly, a small ironic smile on her face freezing the interrogation room's atmosphere to a maximum. The girl leaned forward, clasping her hands together, because, quite frankly, she had nothing to hide. These people, her supposed classmates deserved everything that had came to them apart from a few people, especially him, no matter how Laila hated thinking like this. "My mother," Laila answered in a calm voice, too calm for someone who had lost a classmate, close or not they were. "My mother was killed by the previous' principal's son so, ironically, they wanted to rid of guilt and offered her only daughter a scholarship."

The detective's eyes grew sad, the woman glancing at Laila's lawyer, who could only look down angrily. Laila chuckled dully, rubbing her fingers together. "I took it, I came and I suffered. So, if you think it's relevant, let me tell you the whole story of how those three scholarship students changed everything."

Laila noticed curiosity grow in the redhead's face and sat back, going back to four months ago, a day when everything was changed.


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