// twenty-five //

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•Endless Night•



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T W O Y E A R S A G O:

T H E R E W A S P R O B A B L Y N O T H I N G L E F T. At least to make the situation less agonizing than it was.

Victoria was going to die. It was only a matter of seconds and yet Laila didn't say her goodbye. What was the point? Victoria was already one step out of this world, she wouldn't wake up, and no doctor would ever convince Laila otherwise.

Maybe she could've said goodbye, she could've given one last look at her mother, whose face she wouldn't even see. A day passed and even if the surgery managed to soften the blow that had happened, the doctors lost hope she'd ever wake. Victoria was going to die, but at least the doctors had managed to make Laila's mother leave in peace.

The fact that Victoria was on a brink of death was still a confusing and painful thing to grasp. Just a day ago she was giving Laila a pep talk to being confident, just moments ago Laila hugged her mom. A moment ago now seemed like a dream.

And as Laila sat in the empty bathroom on the floor, trying to stop herself from crying, she couldn't help but wish for a dream. Anything to make the reality a little less painful. But, no matter how much she would've wanted to sleep, Laila couldn't even blink an eye.

None of them could. Not even Frederick, who she hadn't seen ever since she saw her mother wheeled out to operate on. He was a mess, Laila knew, he was a mess and now he'd be one if he wouldn't follow after her. Laila knew Frederick loved her, but he loved Victoria more. Without her, not even Laila would be able to erase the pain he must have felt.

However, when Laila could've been there with him, she hid. She hid in the darkest corners because she wanted to be left alone, away from the prying eyes or the sympathetic faces, ones which reminded Laila that her mother was dying. How? She knew Victoria was run over but she couldn't focus properly on any other detail. She didn't care about who or when, why, most importantly. She just cared about her mother or the lack of.

Laila continued to sit on the dark restroom floor, seeing people enter and leave, but none moved her. Mainly because they knew. Talks spread quickly through the hospital, and yet nobody dared to move a girl about to loose the only person in the world she needed.

A clock on the wall in such a weird place continued to count the hours, Laila knowing that any second a nurse or a doctor, maybe even her dad, would enter and bow their head down, signaling that the thing she dreaded had happened.

Laila told herself to get up. If Victoria was close to dying, she had to go and see her, to kiss her goodbye, to at least hold her hand or what was left of it.

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