// twenty //

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•In Between Breaths•



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I T  W A S  H A R D. It was hard to work, but worse it was difficult to hide that her hand had been injured. Laila had already skipped so much of work when she had a sprained back, but now it was worse. Thankfully, Laila wore gloves as she tried to sweep up the hay that had fallen along the way. She used her healthy hand more but it was difficult when the other itched or hurt as soon as Laila would move or hit it with the broom.

However, Laila was not one to complain. She grit her teeth and hoped that her work would end soon. Laila didn't want to go home, she wanted to enjoy her time at the stables until she'd fall from exhaustion, but at the end of the day home was all she had left. Even if Frederick was there most of the time he wasn't working, reminding Laila everything, it was also a place her mother used to live in, a place Laila still cherished even with her dad present.

Stables were her second home, but nothing felt more relieving than laying in her own bed or reading a book at a desk where every small curve or scratch was memorized inside her head.

Laila tried not to think much about her father, after all, the less he absorbed her mind, the more Laila could try to pretend she was okay. Her coworkers never knew something was wrong with her and Laila liked it like this. She thought that bothering them with her problems was not necessary. Even if sometimes she wanted to cry her heart out in front of a stranger.

The girl frowned as she continued to think about Marina as well. The girl had been hurt, it was obvious, and yet Laila couldn't allow herself to feel pity towards Marina the way she felt it towards Guzman. The way he stood in front of the class with his arms down, his blues so sad it made Laila's pain sizzle. Moments like those, when Guzman showed his true emotions were the very reason Laila tried to tell herself why she agreed. It showed growth, it showed authenticity and it showed Guzman in a light Laila could've possibly even stand him.

Laila disliked how guilty she actually felt when she dodged him again. It was obvious he needed someone, but Laila couldn't. All because she felt suffocated by what he made her feel. It was Guzman, out of all people, and he deserved her pity the least. And yet Laila couldn't stop blaming herself for pushing him further into his oblivion.

Next time, she thought, but it was the fifth time she had told herself that. After next time Laila thought that maybe even next week, month, maybe possibly even next year could come. All because she appeared to be scared of the proposition or her agreement. Laila wanted to fight against Guzman and Lucrecia, even in darkest of spirits, she wanted to put them down, but things between her and the blond had changed a bit too much. It changed to a point Laila loathed the idea of hurting him the way he had hurt her. He hadn't even apologized, Laila knew, and yet even such proof didn't allow her to think badly about him. Laila felt weak, but whether it was a bad thing or not nobody knew.

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