// thirty-one //

906 28 4

•As The Stars Fall, So Do We•



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J A D A  W A S  S T A N D I N G  at the entrance of the school's gym hall, listening to music. People were already dancing, having the time of their lives as soon they would all enjoy their summers. Free from school, free from teachers and some people.

Jada remembered her own school, but nothing reminded her the way Las Encinas looked. It was a good school, she knew, and even if Alonso had damned her for having to move, Jada knew that here he'd get what he deserved. Even if scandalous, Las Encinas was better than Barcelona, where their lives were getting ruined each day thanks to the ghost of Alonso's father.

Jada's thoughts were interrupted by hands on her back, the aunt jumping slightly but when she saw Laila, her tension relaxed. "Hey," Laila smiled, clearly warming up to her aunt, who was the exact same way. Even if they didn't know the darkest parts of each other yet, it felt like they had known one another forever. Jada put it on the fact that Laila was similar to Victoria. "Thanks for coming. It's the first time I've brought a parent figure here."

Jada smiled, noticing Laila's blushed cheeks but she didn't question why. The girls eventually entered, Jada noticing the way Laila looked around. Even if she'd stay in this school, some of the habits would always remain the same. Even if Jada hated how mean the kids had been to Laila, the girl seemed to want to stay. Jada knew Laila was strong and admired her for that. "I wouldn't be anywhere else," Jada then answered, wrapping her arm around Laila's shoulder. She thought the girl would find this move awkward or unappreciated, but Laila only grinned slightly, looking at Jada with the same eyes Victoria used to give her when they were the same age. When everything was still okay.

Laila noticed Jada freeze for a moment, her motherly arm around her stiffening. The girl began to think she had done something wrong, looked at Jada wrongly, but the aunt eventually relaxed and the girls continued to head towards the drinks. "You're so nice to me, thanks," Laila admitted, her eardrums hurting because of the loud music, but she didn't want to go. For the first time in her life, Laila would stay to see the whole show.

Jada mused calmly, her heels clicking loudly as they walked. Some students turned around to look, but Laila did not care. She finally had a person to look after her, and while her dad would be busy getting better, Jada would be just as good. "You remind me of your mother a lot," she admitted so a small smile appeared on Laila's face. The more she learned about Victoria, the less painful it became to remember her. Time was healing her wounds, and even if the pain would never pass, she knew it would lessen. "You have her eyes, but that braveness in you, that fire, oh, that's probably your father."

Laila chuckled gently, grasping on her tall aunt's hand which hung from her shoulder. Her aunt's hands were warm, but not as warm as Guzman's had been. Laila felt her cheeks burn again, and she hated wondering what Lu had told him when she stayed behind. Laila trusted it to be nothing serious. "Hey, mom was also brave," Laila grumbled, noticing Christian and Ander by the drinks, both conversing.

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