// twenty-three //

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•A Light•



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T W O Y E A R S A G O:

F R E D E R I C K K N E W L A I L A' S P R E S E N T A T I O N H A D W E N T T O S H I T. When he came to take her home Laila didn't even have to say anything when she got into his car. Her face was still flushed and crossed with anger so Frederick knew something must have went wrong.

When he opened his mouth to speak, his usually lovely daughter just exhaled deeply and buried her head in her backpack, which sat on her lap, not even bothering to answer to Frederick's attempt to brighten her mood.

Frederick remained silent. It was always hard for him to get to Laila the way his wife could, he always said a bad thing but he did feel like Laila needed someone. Since Victoria was working, he had to do something because he knew Laila thought that her presentation, which went badly from what he gathered, was the end of the world. She had to learn that life would throw even worse obstacles in the future and that a good grade was not necessary to live a good life.

Frederick watched Laila get out of car quietly, knowing that he'd cheer her up when they'd be alone, in a home where she felt the most comfortable in. When they finally entered their flat, Laila began to rush to her bedroom without a word. "Hey, hey, hey," Frederick mused loudly, grasping onto Laila's forearm so the girl sighed, fury evident in her mouth, and faced her dad, who looked worried and a little scared to see actual pain on his daughter's face. "What happened?"

Laila glanced down for a moment, her whole body covering itself with cringes as soon as she'd remember what happened during her presentation. Her mother's breathing method had failed her and she sucked. Everything went the opposite way to how she had prepared and the look on the students' faces still killed Laila. They never did look at her nicely, but now there was amusement in them to see her fail. Laila didn't know how she'd be able to go back there ever again, but to switch schools would be even more embarrassing. "Nothing," Laila answered vaguely, but Frederick's hold on her arm didn't loosen.

In a way, Laila felt annoyed Frederick was acting like Victoria when she needed only one caring parent, but in another way, she was touched he cared. So she decided to open up in hope that he'd have something comforting to say. "I messed it up," Laila revealed sadly so Frederick frowned, but he already gathered that it had happened. Laila continued, watching Frederick's eyes bore into her, the light in them comforting more than he could imagine. "I started well but then I forgot one big part and went straight to the other, thus shortening my speech by a half... Then I realized it and then I panicked, and then I tried to joke, and-"

"Honey," Frederick eventually cut her off, noticing Laila's frantic appearance, the girl pausing sadly as he let go of her and touched her cold cheek. "Even if you messed up, which I'm sure you're just overreacting to, I'm sure the teacher understands. Everyone can get nervous talking, isn't public speaking one of the most frequent fears of humans?"

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