032 ::: Never Breathe

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Hello jellybeans! It's been a while since I've called y'all that, huh? I know I said not until next week, but here is an update for all of you. Find a comfy spot to read because this chapter is longer than my typical chapter length.

Enjoy! :) <3

I was on fire.

And I had been all through this miserable night as Xaler clung onto me as a koala did a tree, almost purposefully refusing to even move in his sleep. I couldn't escape his clutches throughout the night and it caused me to not even get a winks worth of sleep. So, to say I was exhausted was an understatement.

I would be pissed off on top of it, but the knowledge of having a Xaler free day revived my mood any time it started to dip. At least while I laid awake all night I was able to think of things that I was going to do today.

Spending time with Cal was one of them.

Although I did have to check in with Xaler every hour it was still worth it to not have him breathing down my neck. Even when I decided to spend my days at my parent's house, he still somehow found a way to hover.

He was crafty, I'd give him that.

Still, nothing was going to dampen my spirits today. It was as if I were a prisoner finally to be released today, though short-lived. I was going to make the most of it.

It wasn't long before the black overhang of the suffocating night sauntered off and allowed the first blush of the morning sky through the door. Like a reverse twilight, the dark blues and deep purples began to give way to their lighter counterparts before the pale yellow increased in brightness a hair more as the seconds ticked by.

Before long. Noises from the hustle and bustle of my people would seep through the different cracks and crevices of the hut that was put together with no care and bare minimum effort. In fact, I'm surprised that Xaler even opted to buy the hut and leave it the way it is as opposed to demolishing the entire thing and rebuilding one to his ridiculous standards.

Though I wanted nothing more than to stay here forever with my family and people, I wanted Xaler to cave and take us back to his home. Him being here in my community with people he could easily harm, or even kill, and the stress of the possibility of that happening never left me. It burrowed into my muscles, dug into the pit of my stomach, and held most of the space in my mind day in and day out that we were here.

I didn't want anyone to die.

Enough humans have died already at the hands of Xaler, yes, it may not have been directly by his hands, it was all the result of everything he did and decided.

Except, he hasn't caved, and though I can see moments of pure irritation and disgust injected within his features, he hid most of how he was truly feeling and prevented me from getting an accurate read.

Xaler began stirring next to me and I let out a small sigh of relief as his arms and legs slowly began to slip from my skin allowing the screaming hot flesh to breathe in gulps of cool air. Quick shivers ran through my legs and up my spine as the air licked at the moisture that sprung from my warm skin. His abnormal warmth wasn't something I would ever get used to. How does he not sleep in a frozen tundra every night?

Different cracks and pops resounded within the small room as Xaler stretched his body out from sleep. His sinewy muscles flexing, tensing, and relaxing as he moved this way and that, occasionally brushing up my skin and setting my body alight once more.

Maybe the back and forth between hot and shivering would make me deathly ill and I could finally get away from him.

If only.

Never RunDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora