004 ::: Never Listen

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This is a shorter chapter, but I am still in the process of setting up the story and whatnot.

If you find any inconsistencies or errors, please leave a comment!

Enjoy! <3 :)

I was so comfortable.

Death was finally here and it cocooned around me smothering its body over my own and causing me to finally feel at peace. Finally. The days I spent in the blocks really took a toll on my body and overall mentality on life. Sure, I didn't want to die, but I knew there was no escaping that fate, but I began to think about how mediocre my life was, and that was being generous. Somehow I had gotten to the point where I started to believe that I deserved to die, that I wasn't worth breathing the air or eating the food that my family scarcely acquired. And maybe that's why death finally claimed me I had already lost the will to live.

I always had this preconceived notion that death would be painful, that it would hurt, be excruciating. However, I felt nothing but delightful complacency as I lay on what I expected was a cloud. Did I go to Heaven or Hell? It didn't matter. It wasn't something that humans believed in anymore considering we were already living in a wolf induced state of Hell on earth. Whatever we thought Hell would have been like couldn't compare to what the beasts put us through.

At least I didn't have to suffer anymore.

As I lay there a small smile crept across my face, but fell just as quickly as it came. I didn't know death would be so dark. I couldn't see a thing. Why? I attempted to lift a hand in front of my face, but I couldn't. Why couldn't I lift my arm? Was that a condition of death? The loss of limbs? No. So why couldn't I?

That's when I realized; it wasn't dark, my eyes were closed. My eyes were closed and I couldn't open them. Why couldn't I open my eyes? I couldn't lift my arms and couldn't open my eyes. I didn't know much about death, but I for sure thought that I would still be able to do something or nothing at all, not just laying on what felt like the softest surface to exist without the ability to move my extremities or open my eyes. I wanted to see what death looked like.

It wasn't until a low hum trailed into my ears when I was broken from what I only assumed were still my thoughts. Alright, I could hear sounds, I could feel, and I could think, but I couldn't move and I couldn't open my eyes. The hum continued on and became more of an annoying drone than anything else. It started to make my head throb. Wait? I could still feel pain? Maybe death wasn't as comfortable as I originally thought. It grew louder and louder and louder until...


More importantly, a conversation. I was beginning to hear a conversation take place as the words jumbled around me, my brain desperately trying to scramble, or unscramble, to push the letters to take shape in my mind. I wanted to look, I wanted to wave my hand, I wanted to say something. Again, I couldn't. My mouth wouldn't open and even if it did, I don't think I would be able to form anything closely resembling a coherent sentence. I tried to groan, cough, mumble, something, anything.

Death was confusing.

Fuck death.

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