019 ::: Always Control

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Helllllloooo Jelly Beans! I don't know why I used that term of endearment, but I'm just gonna go with it. I know it has been so long since I updated and for that I am truly sorry. I wish I was like those other authors that have prewritten chapters, but I don't.

Anyway, you are ALL so awesome that you made this story #1 in the humanxwerewolf category for like a solid straight week and it warmed my pathetic little heart. I have the best readers, I don't care what anyone says! :)

Again, if you spot any errors or inconsistencies, please leave a comment. It helps me and I don't take offense!

Enjoy! :) <3

P.S. A good tune to listen to as you're reading would be 'Hallelujah' by Guitar Tribute Players.

P.P.S. I tried making an actual and legitimate cover for this story and it did NOT go well. Oh well, cover making is NOT my forte.

I wanted to stop.

Well the human side of me wanted to stop. However, the wolf that raged inside wanted submission, he wanted to show and prove his dominance, by any means necessary.

And I let him.

I - he, couldn't take anymore of Rosie's defiance. It was tiresome. It was something that should've been nipped in the bud ages ago; it was long overdue and my wolf wouldn't stand for it anymore. I had given more leeway than I should've.

And now? Now, here we were, with my hand around her throat like a fucking boa constrictor and me, pounding her head into the ground like a nail into a board of wood. It's not like I wanted to hurt her, but she left me no other choice. How was I supposed to rule over an entire kingdom when she was showing everyone that they could act however they wanted without any repercussions. That was something that I couldn't deal with, something that I couldn't let happen, and neither could my wolf.

Even though I knew my actions weren't acceptable to the situation, the only thing that filled my ears was the thick and dull thud of her head bouncing off of the floor with each slam into the carpeted wood I gave her skull. It didn't take long for her eyes, her beautiful grey eyes to roll into the back of her head, but kept on slamming her head into the floor. My fingers wound tight around her neck, flexing the still stiff muscles even after she had passed out in front of me.

It wasn't long until I heard the wood of the door splinter from behind me and the dull prick of something sharp piercing my skin. I had wanted Rosie to submit, and possibly suffer, so badly, that my senses to everything surrounding me had temporarily vanished. It wasn't until the precisely clear figures, shadows, and outlines in front of me began to fade into blurry sketches that I realized something had occurred.

I took a moment to pause and halted my beating of the fragile humans skull to glance around though I kept my fingers flexed tight against her throat. Shouting filled my ears, but it was muffled, indecipherable as if I were submerged underwater. Sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss, dragging the one I loved down with me. I couldn't let her go, I wouldn't let her go. She was everything to me. Why couldn't she just fucking see that?

The thought caused my hand to constrict even tighter around her throat, subliminally demanding answers, forcing submission of an unconscious person.

Everything happened so quickly, yet it was as if we were all stuck in slow motion, the situation suffocating the air from the room, from my lungs with a thick cloud of heavy remorse laced with indifference to the scene occurring in front of me. Still, the wolf within wouldn't go down without a fight as I struggled against the poison that was currently coursing through my veins. Once again my fingers flexed against her neck, my extended claws scraped against the carpet catching stray fibers in the long claws before my arm snapped up, pulling her towards me before throwing her back against the hard floor.

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