002 ::: Never Look

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Hello! I know the last chapter had limited dialogue, but this one does as well, however, it WILL pick up. I am just trying to get the story set.

Let me know what you think! If you see any inconsistencies of grammar mistakes then comment and let me know. :) <3

Who knew death would take forever?

After I was caught, and rudely dragged back, I was brought to a large holding room, even though it felt more like a cell. It was the typical cold, dark, and dreary abode. From there we were questioned, beat, starved, everything they could think of in order to make us wish for death sooner. However, it wasn't what they were doing that necessarily got under my skin, it was the harrowed and hollow responses and reactions from the others that occupied the space before me.

From shouting, to crying, to whimpering, it all made me nauseous, even more so considering the ages of the people ranged from what couldn't be more than six or seven to older than dirt. My heart ached for the little ones.

What could they have possibly done to earn them a spot in this hell hole?

The then smell added to the nausea; sweat, body odor, excrement filled the air mixing with the scent of despair and desperation. It was downright sickening. As much as I wanted to cry for my current state I didn't, it wasn't going to help me, it wasn't going to strike pity into the wolves guarding us, all it was going to do was make me even more tired and out of it than I already was.

I hadn't lost too much blood, but enough for me to feel woozy and the state the room was in wasn't helping. Blood still continued to seep out of my wounds, not profusely, but slowly, deliberately as if taunting and teasing me with the death I was beginning to crave. If only there were a sharp enough object in the room I could use and finish the job, but that would be too easy.

Couldn't devoid the King of the pleasure of ending my life now could I?

My eyes rolled at my own sarcasm. Probably not the best time, but it bordered on cynicism; tomato, potato.

How does he even get through killing all these people when he takes this long to get this going? I'm surprised no one has died off yet. I wasn't sure how long we had been in this room, the lack of windows and clocks kept us in the dark, kept our curiosity at the surface, but, most importantly, it kept our vulnerability right where they wanted it.

I wasn't able to wander too deep into my own thoughts before the heavy metal door began a song of different clicks and groans of the hinges from being pushed open. Gasps, wails, and whimpers filled my ears and my eyes snapped to the door landing on the same wolf, or man, that caught me. He had a slight smirk pressed onto his face and just when I thought I couldn't despise him more he proved me wrong.

Him and his cronies filled the room, shouting orders at us, jerking people this way and that, pushing them forward with zero evidence of gentleness. Why would they? They were superior. And we were delusional to think we had a chance.

They continued moving people, putting them into shackles in a long line, cold and rusty metal encasing their wrists and ankles. My own twitched involuntarily at the thought of something being around my ankles again, they were sore from being bounded earlier. I didn't move from my spot, I waited for them to come to me, even if I had wanted to, I don't think I could've. The blood loss had proved too much for me and I didn't have enough strength to stand up on my own.

Soon I felt eyes on me and before meeting them I already knew who it was. A hand wove its way into my hair and violently ripped me from my sitting position. I winced and bit my lip to prevent myself from screaming and opted for letting out small, low whimpers. He yanked my head back and forced himself into my vision, "I really can't wait to see you die."

Never RunNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ